The Scottish government is currently having high-level discussions about how to bring in Strict Liability to the national game.
Month: September 2016
The Football Blogging Awards and an arboreal absence
All football clubs are work in progress, and this is particularly true of a four year old one.
Free lunch and travelling Sevco class
I’m told that there was a tetchiness about the regular dignified conclave today.
The Monday club
I have just received an update on the Sevco conclave that took place yesterday afternoon.
An Irish code
Comparison is a key part of life.
The nuts and bolts of regime change at Sevco
There was meant to be a routine conclave at Ibrox yesterday.
Football Blogging Awards 2016
It is that time of year when I am forced to indulge in some glib and shameless electioneering.
Homage to catatonia
Tonight Celtic will play in one of the great amphitheatres of the beautiful game.
An exploding wage bill for an imploding season
I am told that there was a free and fair exchange of views today on the value of Niko Kranjčar.
A very strange type of State Aid
I noticed this little gem on the Glasgow City Council website today.