Why Fergus is to blame for the dark clouds over Ibrox

In the aftermath of Celtic’s victory in the Glasgow Derby, there has been no shortage of Quintessentially British angst from the other side of the city.

Indeed, if you prefer your schadenfreude in Sevco flavour, it has been something of a banquet!

I found this one in particular interesting.

If you scroll to 38 minutes, there is a dignified discussion about the possibility of expanding the stadium that John Brown played for.

Mr Christopher Jack, for it is he, points out some  inconvenient facts that might be unpalatable for the Ibrox klanbase:

“Every season Celtic are starting with a financial advantage because they can sell more season tickets. So, no matter what the Rangers do in terms of prize money, TV money, transfer money, Celtic will have that nose in front because they can sell more season tickets and that puts Rangers at a disadvantage straight from the off.”

Top of the class, Christopher!

Full disclosure: I actually enjoy the contribution of the Herald chap overall.

Some of his stuff is, perhaps unconsciously, rather hilarious.

This is my particular favourite after the Off Lience Putsch in 2015.

Oh dear…

Of course, regular readers will not be surprised by these fundamental realities about the bigger stadium and greater season ticket sales benefitting Celtic.

As per the featured image, this is the McCann legacy.

The wee man had the business acumen and, crucially, the vision to ensure that Celtic had the resources to reconfigure the relationship between the two clubs.

In the first decade of the new stadium, the knight of the realm reacted with a creative taxation strategy.

That was a fatal gamble that led to the death of the original Rangers in 2012.

Now, only Celtic, due to hubris or incompetence, can stop Celtic.

My information is that Clement provided the Transcendental Chairman with a list of seven players as potential summer recruits.

I think it is fair to say that the carnaptious coach might suspect that the Dalai Lama of the Blue Room is perhaps stalling him on this.

As ever, follow follow the money.

Right on cue last night, in message board land, Captain Concomitant’s name was mentioned as a potential replacement for dear Philippe.

It is almost as if someone in the Blue Room is preparing the ground for the bellicose Belgian to leave.


22 thoughts on “Why Fergus is to blame for the dark clouds over Ibrox”

  1. If your cost to move on the Belgian waffler and crew are near accurate Phil and I have no reason to doubt you, can the rangers afford the cost to push out the Belgian bun and cronies?

    Not even a new Orange tap with blue bits would get near that cost.

    The manager recently mentioned their big asset Butland is not for sale. I think £8-10m and pie in the sky add-ons would sway that from a board member perspective.

    Wonder if they are still painting the rust on the roofs!

  2. If memory serves,did they not want McInnes to resign from his post at Aberdeen to save them paying the Dons any compensation money ?
    Added to that,the fact that they told Delboy that he could not bring his assistant with him because he kicked with the wrong foot.
    I think,for both reasons,the bold Derek told them tae bolt !
    Do you have any recollection of this,Phil,or is it a figment of my imagination. ?

  3. The bigger stadium was long term vision by Fergus . Everything done at the asbestos dome is short term planning. It’s a unionist/ loyalist thing 🍀🍀

  4. Fergus McCann built a stadium that helped to liquidate Rangers. Desmond & Co could choose the ‘cheap option of a top section added to the main stand. A better option would be to demolish the old south stand & move the pitch 20-25 yards south & the build a 3 level Main stand & a 3 level Janefield St ‘jungle’ stand. Take the capacity to 95,000+ with 10-15 times more hospitality / corporate space. This would be fitting for a club at the top table in Europe & market Celtic as an even better global brand.

  5. Real shares, in a real market, climbing 6%. LSE knows where this is going. Would love a revamped and extended Main Stand, has the airspace issue been overcome?

  6. Celtic win, 1st Derby and 2nd Derby
    McInnes will be sevco manger mid January 2025.
    Won’t matter a feck tho.. Espanyol cud sign Klopp… Barcelona wud still pump them

  7. 18 titles (soon to be) in this millennium and 7 out of 8 titles since Rangers emerged from the lower divisions.

    Time for the club to push on as Scotland’s sustainable giant.

  8. Some of the fans would take Bomber and Barry back pass as managers for next season so they think Phil will be lucky to see Christmas at ibrokes and with no clubs interested in his superstars no player sales money will be available for transfer fees.

  9. Had the displeasure of catching a Sun “journalist’s” column today in full continuity myth mode comparing Celtic’s Trophy haul with the Tribute Act on the South Side

  10. Dave King:
    “After the two games against Aberdeen, we requested permission to engage with their manager (Derek McInnes) to assess his readiness and willingness to consider the Rangers position. This was declined.

    “We were subsequently made aware by Aberdeen’s statement that, at this stage in his career, it would be best for him to remain in his current post.

    “We endorse that position because moving to a massive club like Rangers is a big step with concomitant risk. We continue to consider candidates but will only appoint someone in whom we have full confidence and who feels he is ready for the job.”

  11. Fergus was told he would never fill a 62k stadium but he had the vision and the desire to do it, the present board have had over 20 years to replace the old main stand to increase the advantage but sadly they have only added some disco lights in that time now parts of it are over a hundred years old and costs have only increased, bring back Fergus.

    • The main stand was constructed in the early 1970’s, with the new frontage built for the Centenary Year.

      None of the stadium is one hundred years old.

      • The base of the South Stand is from the 1920s. The work in the early 70s was to re-roof it and put seats in the former standing ‘paddock’ at the front of the stand. The upper tier seating was largely unchanged and the re-roofing was an ‘experimental’ design and it isn’t regarded as a success. The work in the 80s was to add offices, corporate hospitality and a new ‘frontage’. Neither work replaced the main spectator areas, although seating the paddock did change it. Much of that Main Stand really IS about 100 years old.

    • Because when McInnes knocked them back a few years ago, the statement from them was..
      “We endorse that position because moving to a massive club like Rangers is a big step with concomitant risk.”
      Dunno why they didn’t just use “coetaneous” instead. 😀

      • ….had just learned the word ‘concomitant’ and felt compelled to use it. You can just imagine the reaction of your average knuckle-dragging Sevco enthusiast….. “Eh?”😆

        • Stop being defamatory.
          Yellow card.
          You’re posting here anonymously and I become the publisher of your comments.
          Look in the mirror to see “cowardly and morally worthless”.
          Stop it.


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