Vindication for film-maker Seán Murray

This is genuinely good news.

Firstly, if you haven’t seen it, the film Unquiet Graves is definitely worth your time.

As my recent piece on the Miami Showband stated, collusion is no illusion.

The British government ran death squads here in Ireland during their Dirty War.

However, some people do not want to face that inconvenient truth.

Consequently, the usual approach is to silence the messenger.

Since Seán Murray released the film, he has been targeted, his reputation traduced.

Today his solicitors issued this statement.

Seán Murray has every right to defend his good name.

Murray is a messenger who will not be silenced.

The inconvenient facts around Britain’s Dirty War will come out, and films like Unquiet Graves are integral to that evidential process.


7 thoughts on “Vindication for film-maker Seán Murray”

  1. British secret service do more than smear. Colin Wallace was fitted up for manslaughter. His crime…as a member of army intelligence he became aware of child abuse in Kincora boys home and wanted to report it. However the usefulness of the manager in supplying intelligence and the chance of blackmailing people involved caused them to overrule and fit him up to discredit anything he might reveal.

  2. The settlement in the Miami show band case means unfortunately it would not go to court where the evidence of collusion would have been overwhelming. The settlement means it can only be a ‘suspected’ case . Fully understand why the compromise was made in terms of this being dragged on so long . Delighted for Sean as I thought it was a brilliant piece of work. Also delighted to read pieces like this that keep us all informed

  3. Keep doing what you’re doing Sean, you seem to have ruffled a few well groomed feathers by exposing the truth. Many academics choose to look the other way, or try and tarnish those that speak out but that was never going to deter you. Onwards and upwards a chara.

  4. If you haven’t seen it yet it is a “must watch”. The vast majority in the UK are unaware of these serial crimes in their name and some remain incapable of believing that such behaviour was regular and condoned by their democratically-elected government. Buy it, watch it, share it. People need to wise up.

  5. Delighted for Sean

    My wife and I went to see this documentary on its release at the QFT in Belfast. After the film Sean took part in a very informative Q and A session. Even then Sean was under threat for his investigative work.
    The truth hurts and Sean tells the truth by forensic investigation and detailing the facts. It was a very dirty war but with people like Sean hopefully the truth will be told.
    His critics say its just the republican narrative. No its not its the truth!!


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