Caution versus calamity

I was interested to read that Mr Paul Murray is counselling caution to the chaps in the Blue Room.

Perhaps the Magnificently maned Factotum was once taught to be cautious…

He stated that the current regime should not take “undue risks” in trying to stop Celtic reaching Ten In A Row.

Of course, he is entirely correct.

The club that was created in 2012 from the body parts of Rangers has required external finance since February 2014.

Moreover, since last year that liquidity has had to be sourced from out with the Ibrox boardroom.

That doesn’t bode well in the long term.

Currently, the richest club in Scotland has more cash in the bank than Sevco’s annual turnover.

Actually, it is close to TWICE that amount.

Quite simply, if the folk in Kerrydale Street get their act together this summer then there will be no living with the Hoops.

This season has been a series of own goals for Celtic.

The summer transfer shambles, Boyata kicking the pram, the Leigh Griffiths situation then the manager leaving in the dead of night during the business end of the season.

With all of that Sevco are second best.

The response of the Ibrox klanbase it to angrily demand that the chaps in the Blue Room “splash the cash”.

It is almost as if they have no functioning collective memory.


My questions apropos the call for caution were partly answered when a trusted source contacted me this evening.

He told me that the Immaculately Coiffed One and the Convict Chairman had a free and frank exchange of views yesterday afternoon.

I think it is fair to say that the non-King faction within the Sevco High Command is less than ecstatic about the current stance of their esteemed chairman.

They appear to be especially concerned regarding the ongoing case with General Ashley and Sports Direct.

Of course, they are aware that Mr King is a man of convictions.

Well, 41 of them to be precise…

My guy rather cynically suggested that he would not be surprised if the outliers in the Blue Room started to brief against King and the fine fellows in Club 1872 about some pesky governance matters.

I, of course, dismissed this as a non-starter.

My view is that all is sweetness and harmony in the Sevco High Command and that the basket of assets is in good hands.


13 thoughts on “Caution versus calamity”

  1. The rumours that David Moyes is the chosen one are strengthening by the day. The fact that he was present at yet ANOTHER home game yesterday AND taking notes adds credence to these rumours. The word on the street is that he is well thought of in the Parkhead Boardroom.

    Well, that makes the Celtic Board and his mammy who think highly of him.

    I firmly believe he would be just about the worst choice possible. I also KNOW I am not alone in having this point of view.

    He’s a has-been who never actually was to start with. He is a mid-table firefighter at best and a poor man’s Walter Smith at worst.

    If HE is the best that the board can stretch to then we are as fucked as the most fucked thing in the whole of Fucketyfuckdom!!

  2. Off topic…but..
    A wee observation from the Youth Cup Final the other night…
    Both Clubs had a very young group of supporters who sat near the front of the stand at their respective ends.
    In the second half Celtic’s youngsters started singing ” Karamoke Dembele “…..
    Sevco’s youngsters responded with…” We are the people…we are the people.”
    Peace in our time….?
    Not a feckin’ chance.

  3. Just read the summary of the meeting the SFA had with the junior and lowland league clubs.
    Maxwell and Petrie, true to form, showed themselves as complete arses, even bigger arses if that were possible than we already knew them to be.
    Maxwell briefed the meeting on the SFA achievements over the last year….that must have taken all of 30 seconds at most, then contributed hee haw afterwards.
    It’s beyond belief that our national game is being run, ruined, by a group of not very intelligent men who are clearly not up to the job.
    However a monumental embarrassment was avoided as there was no need to extract numbered balls from a container and getting your 9’s confused with your 6’s!

  4. I’m always greatly amused by the language of eggshell-treading euphemisms the Ibrox officials have to use in their communications with the rank (-&-file) Sevconites.

    And we have some right crackers from the bold Mr Murray in that Evening Times article –

    “We’ve got to get Rangers to the best level we can get them at.”
    Translation : “Second is the best we can reasonably hope for.”

    “And I don’t think anyone on the board is going to be taking undue risks to do that financially”
    Translation : “FFS stop! If we buy intae the delusions of the mad bams in our support, wir done for!”

    “after everything that has happened to the club over the years.”
    Translation : “Like in 2012, when Rangers was liquidated.”

    Wonder how they’ll spin the upcoming court judgment, on the total bill for this year’s breach of contract with Ashley?
    How about, “A new financial opportunity has presented itself, to restructure our relationship with Sports Direct.” xD

  5. There were two court cases a couple of weeks ago Re SDI and also Sevco. Has anyone any idea what actually occurred during these cases?

    • The outcome of the big one with SD is due to be announced any day now I believe. If Phil’s sources are as accurate as they usually are, it could be one right hard kick in Jackdaws!!

  6. Perhaps Murray could spill some light on why he jumped ship?
    With the Sports Direct farce rumbling on and Sevco Scotland v Sevco 5088 in court debating the ownership of the assets it appears that the time for avoiding ‘undue risks’ has sailed into the sunset a long time ago.

  7. I wonder how much support David King has within the Blue Room. If a power struggle were to occur would it be Kings aspirations/delusions or Murray realism that would win the day. After reading the link to the herald article it would appear that they are not all living in a fantasy land over at ibrox. Personally I much prefer kings lunacy. Phil any word on a final outcome being due in the SDI V Rangers case. Without you I believe most of us would not know anything about this. Go raibh maith agat, keep up the good work.


    Ye know Phil,you’ve a way with words sometimes!

    There’ll probably be currants reading this article and,imho,it’s a pity there’s not a lot more of them do likewise.For that is a boot right oan the knackers,laid oot perfectly and plain as day.

    Thanks Phil.G’luck tae ye🍀


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