TikTok TikTok for Sevco

As previously reported, the planned meeting today at Hampden between the SFA, fan groups, and Sports Minister Maree Todd MSP has been postponed.

It isn’t clear whether or not Sevco will be demanding compensation for this.

Resisting the imposition of an independent regulator similar to the one being legislated for at Westminster is almost certainly a red line for the SFA.

If this comes to pass, then only one club needs to be concerned about this change in governance.


They were formed in 2012 but pretend they were born in 1872.

Sadly, the local media play along with this Orwellian fiction.

Meanwhile, it’s genuinely uplifting to witness the Everyone Anyone campaign yielding such encouraging results, a testament to the essential goodness of the Ibrox klanbase.

No, seriously…

I’m told that Sevco’s Croatian battler Borna Barišić was especially moved recently by the ecumenical observations of a supportive fan outside of the stadium Mr John Brown played for.

The defender was clearly feeling the love.

Also, the social media footage of English netminder Jack Butland interacting with a dignified customer was quite the moment.

As for the champions, Brendan Rodgers will hope that Mr TikTok, Sevco’s mercurial genius, remains incarcerated by dear Philippe’s rigid formation.

Apparently, as per the featured image, the player and the coach are currently in dignified disagreement about the best position on the field.

He wants the freedom of the pitch and not merely to be an engine room subsidiary.

Moreover, I’m sure that fabulous Fábio will have benefited from the astute tactical observations made by Mr Alexander Scott Rae shortly after the match against Kilmarnock.

As for Sevco’s leader in the dressing room, when all around are losing their heads, it comes down to the benign Belgian to resist any temptation to crack under pressure.

That is particularly impressive, given that I’m told he still doesn’t know his budget for his summer rebuild despite submitting a list of potential recruits to augment his squad.

It is almost as if there is a huge financial imperative riding on securing this title.

In such a situation, lesser men would be taking the bait and lashing out.

Impressive chap.

2 thoughts on “TikTok TikTok for Sevco”

  1. My major worry for this weekend’s game, is the fact that I feel confident. AND the fact that all other Celtic fans seem to feel the same way. This feel good factor is based entirely on the performance of last weekend. It was brilliant. But, the Dundee trouncing aside, it was the only time this season we’ve played for 90 minutes. IF, we can replicate that performance, we SHOULD, be too good for them. But, can we, two weeks running?

    My heart screams, “Yes we can!”

    My head says, “Don’t bet serious money on it.”

    • I fully agree with you Charger – I take nothing for granted against that mob. I was at the SC semi-final in ‘22 and we had complete control over that game. When Taylor scored it was no more than we deserved and we were cruising. Up until the 78th minute you couldn’t see from where a Sevco goal might come – then Arfield equalises out of nowhere and we somehow lose the match in extra time.
      These days I prefer to keep my powder dry until after the match!


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