Pattern of resistance

Back to league action, and both clubs chasing the SPFL title know that tens of millions of Euros in UEFA  revenue is the real prize.

Consequently, Alan Morrison’s research identified a pattern of assistance that benefits the Ibrox franchise, here he is on the award-winning ACSOM podcast laying out his work at length.

Of course, this should attract the attention of local media.

However, succulent rules require them to look the other way.

Your humble correspondent has been aware that an upcoming sit-down at Hampden on May 8th could be a significant event in the world of Scottish football governance.

Maree Todd, the minister in the Scottish Government with responsibility for sport, is scheduled to meet with the current decision-makers, who some might say mark their own homework.

I’m told that one of the key topics on the agenda is the potential establishment of an independent football regulator. This could significantly alter the current landscape of Scottish football governance.

Regular readers will not be surprised that the world-class chaps at the SFA do not believe there is any need for such a meddling body.

Hopefully, Ms Todd and her Holyrood colleagues will see it differently, especially as legislation for it is currently going through Westminster.

Unfortunately, the current political chaos at the regional assembly in Edinburgh is an example of the hinge factor in play, and that meeting could potentially be in jeopardy.

That said, the issue of the SFA regulating the…err…SFA  remains an issue.

It is unthinkable that a club in Scotland could issue a Tweet like this from the Nottingham Forest official account about the allegiance of match officials.

When compared to the SFA, the existence and function of the Professional Game Match Officials Limited in England should be challenging for anyone who thinks that the national game in Fair Caledonia isn’t an embarrassingly backward shambles.

The featured image is my observation about the choice of match officials for the Celtic match in Dundee tomorrow.

Moreover, the very idea that such a dignified ensemble would happen in England without challenge is simply unthinkable.

The Holyrood legislature likes to preen themselves that they do things differently, and ipso facto, better than Westminister.

Here is an example of where that is patently not the case.

Anyone who thinks the SFA will not resist the imposition of an independent regulator to oversee Scottish football hasn’t been paying attention.

Which brings me back to the local media.

15 thoughts on “Pattern of resistance”

  1. 4 games to go, 3 points in front and a plus 5 goal difference as things stand.
    3 of those games are at home. Nothing is a given but that is a very strong position to be in.
    Wins against Hearts and Rangers over the next two weeks will seal the deal.Even a draw with the latter will almost see us over the line.
    The Kilmarnock away fixture may well be the toughest of them all, plastic pitch et al.
    Come on Celts put it beyond doubt as soon as possible and allow the fans some relaxation before the cup final.

  2. The rise and cost of Ireland’s the anti-migrant movement,culture eh,dignified,nationality,why do you continuw to stir up hatred from another country say colleagues from other countries phaahahaah you sound very tory british like you are a poor mans ian paisley soon as this generation passes the better,you post the same 3 pics every second day and make utter pish up 10 times on a sunnday anything for the blue pound eh banners on seats you can retire phulluope theres always going to be any rainjurs so youve failed or maybe tht suits yoou keep making begging sorry cash from skint celtic fans for any rainjursz news you rep[eat the same pish every single blog get back to writing made up shite suits you better

    • Don’t sound very posh at all old bean, more like a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging neanderthal from the bear pit.
      p.s. did you attend school regularly?

    • A Bit ‘salty’ from the Posh Extinct British Union angry person….settle pettle. It’s the hope that kills them added to that the fact that Celtic’s 54th League Title will be won in less time than theirs & without any ‘Financial Doping’. Ah well theirs always the 56th share issue to look forward to….maybe if their fans were a bit more ‘Con’-servative with their pennies instead of chucking them at the Celtic Bench they could maybe buy a ‘few thousand’ Sevco shares for 10 pence.

    • … but still you are looking at it.

      (I recommend the pamphlet – ‘the Basic Grammar’. It covers all the essential aspects of punctuation that will (possibly) make your posts understandable. Of course, it does require the ability to read English to a fairly fluent level.)

    • Me as well, but the point is that a penalty to them is more than possible every game for every team we play. We’ve generally overcome this by being even better and scoring more, so that’s what we’ll do.


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