A special kind of harmony

It was heartening today to learn that relations between dear Philippe and the Transcendental Chairman continue to be harmonious after Sevco’s moral victory at Dens Park.

Notably, I’m told that the benevolent Belgian has extended a warm invitation to the Dalai Lama of the Blue Room, stating that he’s always welcome to deliver an inspiring Churchillian speech in the dressing room.

Now, dear reader, some lesser men in managerial roles might have let their chairman know that the dressing room is an inner sanctum for football people only.

I’m told that the two men had an entirely harmonious discussion about the Corinthian conduct of their submersible forward, who is currently on loan from Wolves.

My information is that they took a deep dive into the T&Cs of his loan deal to determine how they could best acknowledge his outstanding sportsmanship at Hampden against Sevco’s compliant low-calorie cousins from Edinburgh.

For the avoidance of doubt, I’m sure Philippe will receive all the funds he has asked for in order to overhaul Mickey B’s squad in the summer.

Of course, winning the SPFL will bring in substantial revenues from UEFA.

With that in mind, the “pattern of assistance”, as outlined by Alan Morrison, the product of research over several seasons, could be a crucial factor in the remaining matches.

5 thoughts on “A special kind of harmony”

  1. I’m old enough to remember a certain ref called “tiny Wharton” I’m pretty certain in the last six games that a Whartonesque effort will be made by all the referees who have no intention of being influential where the champions league money goes 🤔


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