Decency in Dingwalll and cynicism about the BBC

Ross County FC has done the right thing.

This statement about the behaviour of some of their fans is definitely praiseworthy.

For example, I cannot imagine Sevco ever having the basic decency to come clean in this matter apropos their own klanbase.

Yes, the Ross County statement uses the S-Word to describe what was coming out of their singing section.

However, when the national broadcaster can’t learn the term “anti-Irish racism”, then I’m minded to be somewhat understanding of a football club in Dingwall.

I was interested to note that this part of the Celtic fan media had rebuffed the BBC.

The 90 Minute Cynic account referred to this from the BBC.

The first thing that jumped out at me was the image that the Beeb had chosen for the report on the Ross County probe into the behaviour of their own fans.

When you see that, then it is easy to be cynical about the motives of the dignified ones at Pacific Quay.

10 thoughts on “Decency in Dingwalll and cynicism about the BBC”

  1. May I be the first to apologise to the GB for, in the words of General Melchett to whom I likened them, “poo-pooing” their now successful strategy on stopping Bernard Higgins joining the Celtic staff. You live and learn…I think.

    Couple of things
    Neil McCann “baffled” by Scott McMann waving his arm about in the penalty area. No mystery Neil, he was trying to get Sevco a penalty.

    Hugh Keevins in the Daily Sevco is telling Ange if Celtic should lose today he will be “reviled”. I have no words.

    • Of course the GB played a significant part but it was a virtually united fan base (fan orgs, CSCs, websites etc) that completely overwhelmed and defeated the board’s plan.

  2. Karma might be dragging its feet,

    but if there is any justice in the world,

    the inept/obsolete/overblown BBC will be defunded – eventually – just like the Ibrox club…

  3. Same as it ever was Phil.
    Did Rangers win 1-0 with a late penalty again at the Debt Dome?
    I do believe they did.
    Tomorrow we will all no doubt be enlightened with a full story on the “magnificent “;goal returns of James Tavpenier

    The best right back in Govan.

  4. It’s good Ross County took this action. Celtic fans should not have invaded the pitch either. It reminded me when a Pedro inspired team from Ibrox beat Patrick and they invaded the pitch. It was embarrassing and so was it when Celtic fans did the same.

  5. Pacific Quay is the shelter for the dregs of the sevco klanbase. One day the public will cease to support the BBC Scotland and we will subscribe to channels that give a fair representation of their viewers. RIP BBC Scotland. Gone and never remembered.


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