Keeping on message is an important part of modern football.
I’m told that there might well be a back story behind what Mr Let’s Go stated in a recent presser about trimming the squad.
The week before Sevco’s resident MBE met with the newly appointed Director of Fantasy Ross Wilson.
The ex-Southampton chap told the Sevco manager that his main task in January would be to move on at least six of Gerrard’s players.
Obviously, easier said than done.
My information is that Mr Gerrard sought assurances that his key players would be ring-fenced.
However, he left the conclave with some concerns.
Then there was the presser…
I’m told that this was considered to be rather off message by the Sevco High Command.
So the Serious Professional was duly dispatched let Mr Let’s Go know.
The subsequent sit down was characterised to me as “fraught”.
It was pointed out to me today that the fantasy figures being leaked about Alfie are a good indication of the likely size of the hole in the RIFC accounts.
These fables about Morelos is also the impending bill from the Ashley court case.
Of course, all of that means that January is about downsizing at Sevco.
Clearly Mr Gerrard wants the Ibrox klanbase to know that it isn’t his fault if it all goes south.
The basic fact is that the Gerrard brand is more powerful than the tainted Ibrox franchise.
Therefore, a Warburton resignation scenario is not an option.
Now that is an important message to get out…
At the moment, he ain’t going to any EPL club (work permit issues), they’ll settle for £4m/£5m….may not even be a Championship side!
It’s like reading a five year old school essay at times trying to decipher Phils articles. Why can’t he be grown up and call people by their real names instead of this juvenile name calling. It totally detracts from the important co tent of the message.
Can’t see them getting any real cash for their galacticos. Morelos for £10m, can’t see that except with some ridiculous metrics driven package, scoring a million goals a season, becomng a national hero, building a time machine.
I think at best they would get £6-7m over the usual 2-3 payment periods. That would not help them much, other than that they may get £2-3m more if they dump 6 or 7 players. If they do sell Morelos they would need to placate the support with a Shankland purchase and some spin. His first Scotland cap would cost them more to buy but spins better for the fans.
They have tried to punt future captain McCrorie (6 starts for pompey) and one of their best players in candeias for a few hundred thousand. Tavernier looking a real liability and big Fods can’t get a game. No looking good for the new man’s sales pitch.
Steven Gerrard aka Mr E-go, Mr Let’s Go, the Slippy One, and meeee staff are circling the wagons. His biggest signing is a London PR Agency.
At the risk of repeating myself, weak managers make weak excuses. Gordon Strachan, had a phycoligical outlook in the midst, of playing dire and grinding out results or after draw or a defeat, – where he’d say – we played brilliant, Naka was this, Shaun M was that great pros of hartson and pressley and co. etc etc…… his attitude was in the midst of 2/3 pressers a week, the presser could lose you the following game. Deep rooted neuroscience based management. Neil Francis Lennon, sounded similar at Easter road and the tony macaroni stadium, – we the support maybe didn’t belief wee Chesny, all of the time, but he explained on exit WHY he was doing it, – did with Scotland too, I might add. Maybe he just sussed the MSM Corp, masquerading as Journalists.
Mr let’s go, gave the first indication he’s getting publicly ready to patch this after he worst attitude comments in the wake of Tynecastle. WorryIngly for him, and it wasn’t pressed further by the Stenography core, was when he said, we weren’t much better in the second half….. What no rocket? No Wise Words on the wipeboard?……. Why was this the case Stevie? NFL would;d nthave been allowed such an easy ride.
So far IN Europe, and this 3 defeats in 24 or whatever it is, narrative that is doing the rounds, Mr Let’s Go and the Rangers2, has yet to be with a Man City, a Bayern, a PSG or even a Last 16 QF or Semi finalist Europa league quality etc however, the lavish praise he bestowed on Porto (he knows whats coming)., had a line….. we will need to play at our best up there with the Villireal, away day (albeit they were in freefall, had 2nd team out and within days of replacing the manager- but why let, balance get in the way of good story). … but the Ego suggested,
“We’ve got to come here with a game plan that we all believe in, that can work, and the idea is to take something away from the game.” direct quote.
Why wouldn’t – you “all believe in” – do your players not trust the information, do they not believe they have a chance, are the players pointing the finger at different positions within the team or selected personal? Is that not your job, to get them on point and do what your asking them to ? Are you incapable of handling a “BIG”. squad?
Or are they fed up doing what your asking them?, especially you through them under a bus after a defeat or poor performance. ?
IF Porto slam them by 3 or 4 either tonight or in ZooBrox, then it will be the first public crack of doubt that CAN NOT be ignored, no Ryan Kent to serve up after a scalping. No feel good stories on this….. I think Brand Gerrard as I’ve maintain all along, are beginning to rewrite the narrative and it won’t be long before he’s Terminado, and in a BT studio, fawning over Liverpool and their title run- saying I took it as far a could and I wasn’t given the tools due to this and that
Let the 10IAR chalice be passed.
The Perfect Storm, is beginning.
Spot on assessment.
Football is, when all is said and done, a fairly close community. Most clubs know, or have a really good idea, of what is happening generally at other clubs. Clubs are also businesses who will take advantage of weak rival businesses, so when the figures for last season come out and show the perilous state of the Govan team’s finances, the vultures will start to circle. They will be lucky to even get market value for anyone. NO ONE will go for an inflated price.
In fairness, Alfredo Morelos is probably going to fetch them around ten million quid. He isn’t worth that, but the fact they are touting him again, a mere couple of months since they tried to move him along without takers, they might get someone to pay it.
Despite the nonsense we read online, there isn’t anyone who really believes Morelos is good enough to lace big Eddy’s boots. As for real value, big Eddy is probably worth around four times Morelos’ value. Being Scotland of course will mean Celtic will only get 25-30 mil for him. But the new club know no matter how hard the present their Columbian on the market, they won’t get more than 10, and that will not come from a big club. He isn’t a target for the big boys. Like Armstrong, he’ll probably end up at Southampton or even Palace. Both of these teams overpay so Alfie will go to a lower club like that and proceed to be an abject failure.
If only there were a sympathetic manager (Souness at Newcastle) in the EPLwilling to pay a ridiculous amount for a player with very limited capabilities (Jean Alain Boumsong).
Something tells me push will come to shove . Right out the door. BOOM !
All together now!!…
Three wheels on my waggon,
And ah’m still rollin’ along.
Those Cherokees are after me,
But ahm singin’ a happy song.