As I have stated here recently, this site regularly attracts commercial offers that I rebuff as a matter of course.
Month: November 2016
Good sources versus press releases
The term ‘Off the Radar’ has become part of the Fitba lexicon.
The Grail Knights of Planet Fitba go forth
All of Planet Fitba was saddened in December 2012 when one of the greats of Scottish sports journalism left the stage.
The benefits of working from home
As regular readers here will know, I consider Mr Stewart Robertson to be one of the few competent professionals currently in the Sevco High Command.
Scouting for headlines
I understand that at a recent conclave of the Sevco High Command the recruitment policy of the Holding Company Vehicle was scrutinised.
Football Blogging Awards Best International Football Blog winner 2016
Last night I was working on a non-blog related matter when my mobile phone started to levitate beside the laptop.
A tale of two AGMs in one city
Celtic concluded a very successful AGM yesterday.
Farewell brave State Aid knight
Last night Glasgow City Council published independently verified facts that are kryptonite to a conspiracy theory beloved by The People.
Joey and the Argonauts
When the new entity was but a Fitba infant we were told that they “would make friends on the journey.”
The New York Yankees and Sevco
One of the more bizarre moments in the Sevco story was provided when Charles of Normandy was in charge.