Accountability and power

Regular readers will know that this job advert for a football regulator has been coming for a long time.

It started with the report by Tracey Crouch MP several years ago, which I covered here at some length.

As always, the search function will produce extensive background reading for those who wish it.

Here is a particularly apposite piece from February of last year.

Like most overnight change, it takes a long, long time.

Once the Football Regulator is in place and operating, the next step is to be able to point to a genuine change in the insane financial zeitgeist of the game in England.

Then it will be difficult, although not impossible, for the fitba establishment, with the succulent assistance of the Stenography Corps, to say that it isn’t required in Scotland.

The entire Ibrox saga, from Sir David Murray to Dave and his amazing 41 convictions, could be encapsulated into a narrative about a lack of governance.

Put it this way: If there had been an independent football regulator in place in Scotland, Rangers would not have reached its terminal situation in 2012.

That said, a properly functioning local media would have helped too.

Now, we are where we are and if  Holyrood copies Westminster, then only one major SPFL club needs to seriously alter their ways.

Meanwhile, Super Caley go impecunious.

This remains a developing story.


Hotel Caledonia

Kemi Badenoch MP is one of the two hopefuls who wants to lead the Conservative Party after Little Rishi’s resignation.

Here, she explains her position on the place for Bonny Scotland in the UK.

As the late demented Enoch Powell MP accurately observed, “power devolved is power retained”.

The regional assembly in Edinburgh, despite playing dress up as a sovereign parliament, is the former, not the latter.

Moreover, the  Westminster political class and the spooks in the British state know that the separatist impulse in Fair Caledonia, when it comes to it, is a mile wide and an inch deep.

The bold Kemi is on safe ground as she shares the opposition benches with the brave hearts of the SNP, who, like her, have sworn an oath of allegiance to Charles Saxe-Coburg Gotha, his heirs and successors.

In fairness, they are well paid for their fealty.

15 thoughts on “Accountability and power”

  1. Why have ICT been allowed Togo into administration over a couple of million whilst a tribute act in Govan are allowed to run up debt to the tune of approximately £19million?

    • No defence of the tribute act but ultimately that comes down to the creditors. And when you have 50,000 season ticket holders as opposed to 1,000 that debt ceiling will be higher.

  2. We are currently living through a regressive and unimaginative yoon empire 0.2 whose sole focus has been the draining of billions from our local communities over the past decade. Ironically, our wealth has been sent offshore to ‘donors’ and lobbyists. This is not a democracy as the forced removal of our European Citizenship demonstrated.

    • We didn’t vote for Brexit as separate Nations we voted as individuals who reside in within a Union of Nations who joined it as such.
      Unfortunately for you as a person more collective individuals voted to leave the European Union than didn’t.
      As for those who couldn’t be bothered either way well what can you say about that?
      Shoulda ,coulda,woulda but didn’t.

  3. What Planet are you people from , there will never be an independent Scotland..look at the mess the SNP have created so far …we call it a Scottish Parliament…it’s the Scottish Executive ….just a talking shop , achieving heehaw

    • Independence is INEVITABLE.It is defeatest fools like the commenter above who continually delay it. Comments like that are best suited as Engerlend’s fish & chip paper & the lack of vision on show is derisable.

    • You can vote for any party you like in an independent Scotland. You don’t have to like the SNP.

      My ideal is to vote for a properly socialist Labour Party in an independent Scotland.

      At least I know Scotland will always get the government it votes for.

      Independence for Ireland. Independence for Scotland.

  4. Talking of Accountability I see the Basket of Assets has just released its Annual Joke Book .
    Page 31’s Post Ballance Sheet Events has a cheeky wee £9m in Debts turned into Equity Confetti again I see.
    What the dunderheids at Club 1872 will make of their “controlling share” dipping under 5% again remains to be seen.

    A fool and his money are soon parted for sure.

  5. This union is done.They can spout as much shite as they want in Westminster or in THEIR BULLSHIT MEDIA, the Scottish people & ONLY THE SCOTTISH PEOPLE WILL DECIDE & TAKE THEIR INDEPENDENCE. For the the people slow on the uptake of little Engerlend’s
    “cunning plan” Mr Ratcliff torpedoing Grangemouth is a big part of their plan to MAKE US DEPENDENT ON THEM, anybody with half a brain in Scotland should realize this IS THE WATERSHED MOMENT to turn the crosshairs on Westminster & finally put little Engerlend in its place.

      • Hopefully 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 will wise up to this PONCE PARASITE joke of a country🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 BEFORE they are refining OIL & GAS FROM WEST OF THE SHETLAND ISLANDS -> IN ENGERLEND

  6. Well that’s my application for the football regulator gig submitted. What an opportunity! I can’t wait for all the death threats from Chelsea fans, being dissed in song by Noel Gallagher and coming to a sticky end in an embassy if I try to curb Newcastle overspending…..

    Bad Enoch the Second clearly considers the Union to have an analogous residence policy to the fabled Hotel California!


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