Hoping for a Hail Mary at Hampden

These are indeed difficult days for the Transcendental Chairman.Apparently, this offering caused the Dalai Lama of the Blue Room to achieve peak tranquillity recently.

He was entirely calm about the fact that a journalist in another country could give an accurate account of something that he thought should be kept in the Big House.

Perhaps he wished that dear Philippe could have remained at the table and consumed one of those  Shushburgers.

Of course, it is essential at any club that the manager remains on message.

However, the abrasive Belgian is clearly his own man and has made it clear in pressers that a substantial rebuild is required in the summer.

I’m told that the Transcendental Chairman and that nice young Mr Bisgrove sat down with him only one hour before he faced the cameras to agree on a dignified narrative.

Instead the Sevco manager just told the truth as he saw it.

Quite simply, the guy they hired after giving Mickey B the boot considers the current squad to be, in the main, a bunch of losers.

Consequently, a massive overhaul is required.

Moreover,  Sevco fan media has seized upon this, much to the alarm of some in the Blue Room.

I’ve even seen the figure of twelve being discussed apropos the number of new players needed.

Just like last summer, the players brought in by the basket of assets will have some issues.

I characterised them as having some problem with ability, attitude or injury.

Ironically, the goalkeeper was the last item on that list but has remained fit.

There was never any question mark over Jack Butland’s skill or professionalism.

I’ve been told to keep an eye out for Wes Foderingham as a possible replacement should the current number one be sold.

If Clement wins the Scottish Cup, that will give him and his chairman some breathing space with the fans over the summer.

However, if it is a happy day for the Hoops, then it will come down to just how capricious the Sevco chairman actually is when Clement inevitably tells it like it is post-match.

Now, if everything in life comes down to the Godfather, will the Tranquil One react like Sonny or Michael?

I wouldn’t rule out a dignified decision being made in a fit of pique.

Just like when the Admirable Warburton found out via Sky Sports that he had resigned!

When it comes to the match itself, the Ibrox klanbase will just be hoping that they don’t have Fredo in central defence!

Perhaps saying a prayer might help…

Meanwhile, in another part of the Sevco multiverse, Senhora Silva has contacted the club and her son’s representatives to complain about the abuse she had recently received on social media from Sevco’s delightful customers.

9 thoughts on “Hoping for a Hail Mary at Hampden”

  1. Hadn’t noticed the shots to his left thing. 7 out of 9 Celtic goals v him this season came from shots to his left (inc Bernardo shot here)

  2. What are they complaining about? They have secured European football again, won a trophy and have a shot at a second. That sounds like a pretty good season and I venture to guess any other club would be chuffed to have that season. Enjoy the wins stop acting like spoiled brats. It could easily get worse.

  3. Clement had a turnover of 80 players at Brugges. Don’t know if that’s a detail worth noting,just pointing it out

  4. What about the recent offering of Operation Soothe in The Scottish Sun regarding the plans to take the stadium that John Brown played for up to 60,000? Comedy gold again, all that and a squad rebuild but the gullible will no doubt believe in it.

  5. A good win for Celtic on Saturday and sevco fan media will descend into the mother of all meltdowns. Let us pray 🙏

  6. The Scottish Cup, for Sevco, is a side show now.

    The champions league qualifier is the big show.

    Miss out on that and I suspect they have BIG issues.

  7. I realised during the pre-match presser when the Belgian Waffle observed that the recent Glasgow derby at Celtic Park was not “a must win game” for Sevco that he just doesn’t get it. Every Glasgow derby is a “must win” game.

    If Sevco fail to win this weekend’s Cup Final dear Philippe will be, like Luca Brasi, “sleeping with the fish”.

    Hail and Hail again!

  8. Talking of shushburgers, how’s their environmental health records these days? Have they PASSed up the chance to go public unlike their world class breakfasts training ground?

  9. I don’t get all the hype about Butland. He’s a capable keeper but also one who hasn’t half shifted a lot of goals recently. Given that Celtic continually shit to his left I can only guess they’ve spotted his weaknesses.

    International goalie .. …….. ???? Nah


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