Opposing fascists both foreign and domestic

Apparently marching fascists in Glasgow will be called out by the local media if they are foreign imports.

Here, without a hint of self-awareness, is what the fine folks at the Evening Times thought of the Lazio fans on their way to Celtic Park.

Of course, a strutting Herrenvolk espousing hatred is not such an alien concept in Glasgow.

Fascism and racism must be opposed wherever it emerges.

For the avoidance of doubt, Glasgow is not immune from these scourges.

That is why good folk must step up where and when they can.

The folk at Call It Out are doing the right thing in the right place and at the right time.

Moreover, they’re all there on their own dime and not part of the box-ticking anti-sectarianism industry.

In life, the good guys don’t always win, but last night at Celtic Park they did!

The late winner was drama worthy of Bernardo Bertolucci.

Of course, it is always nice to win a football match.

However, it is especially sweet when the other team has a fascist following.

Now, Celtic fans do not need to wait for foreign opposition to experience that feeling.



The club that these fascists follow follow believes that UEFA’s definition of racism is “wide-ranging”.


Meanwhile, on the lack of self-awareness front, I offer the following without comment.

25 thoughts on “Opposing fascists both foreign and domestic”

  1. There will be no room for talk of fascist football fans nor organisations by our media this week as the MSSM go full metal jacket instead with a professional disection of the Rangers annual results.
    Of course this will include an accountancy expert explaining the difference between the 6 monthly rosy unaudited accounts and the annual results with the numbers once again dripping red.
    Will the cold shouldered shadow football club Chairman sign off the accounts on behalf of Rangers?
    Will the auditors just take their fee and move aside to let King pour out his own particular take on the numbers?
    How wise would that be for their own reputation?
    Oh how all concerned must be distraught as Boris and his no deal exit on the 31st October seems unlikely therefore there will be no excuse for our media presenting the numbers with appropriate coverage.
    Will this be the last throw of the dice for Dallas Campbell or will they, like the SFA, claim that King is Chairman of the holding company and has hee haw to do with the football club?
    Can’t wait to read the notes on the SDI dispute and the state of the Close Bros loans.

  2. One mans Fascist is another’s Brother.
    There is a saying that we should all try walk a mile in each other’s shoes.
    If it’s alright with you I’ll pass up on the aforementioned.
    I’d rather be hobbled by Annie Wilkes from Emerdale using a 14lb sledge with a serrated edge.

  3. A message to Sevco….
    Your ” Everyone…Anyone ” campaign will be recognised…. possibly…when you officially disassociate yourself with the colour Orange.
    That would include strips…training gear….shop merchandise etc; …and if possible…Sashes.
    Until you actually do something positive…then this will be seen as the stunt and smokescreen that it surely is.
    As ma Granny used to say…
    ” Oor heids don’t button up the back.”

  4. Great article and totally agree, What about calling out communism as well. Or do you think those who have suffered under the likes of stalin, Mao, were not treated so badly as those under facism, .

    • Great idea !

      Point me in the direction of the nearest Scottish Maoist parade and I’m giving them a piece of my mind…

    • Maybe missed something here, but out our way we don’t have communist parades every second week during the summer. In fact, during all of my 64 summers I don’t recall ever seeing one. While your point is entirely valid if the circumstances existed the reality is they don’t. We can only fight the enemy in front of us.

      Incidentally, if you actually are a bee keeper I’d be very worried right now. I’ve heard that Asian Hornets have reached mainland Europe. Forty of the buggers can wipe out a hive of fifty thousand bees in ONE afternoon.

  5. Why don’t u write about Celtic and the good performance last night that’s rite anything u write about has always got to have something about the famous or our fans in it get a grip only bigot is u

    • ‘The Famous’ ?

      Firstly – it is very poor use of English although your spelling and (lack of) punctuation already displays this perfectly well.

      Secondly – if you have to describe anything as ‘famous’ (using correctly as an adjective rather than a corrupted noun) then it clearly is NOT ‘famous’.

      Thirdly – if there actually is anything that Sevco, its fans and the fans of the dead club are ‘famous’ for…

      … then it would be CHEATING, BIGOTRY, INTOLERANCE and RACISM.

    • Your pathetic attempt at writing in your Queen’s English is as embarrassing as your thought processes. The fact that you clearly don’t have the intellectual capacity to regard the singing of the Famine Song or wading in Fenian blood as bigoted says everything about you and the parents who dragged you up.

      Now why don’t you go into a wee quiet corner and practice joining your letters and your spelling. Then try putting some words together in a coherent fashion. That should keep you busy and out of mischief for several years………. Ya brain-dead, Sevconian, fuckwit!!!

    • The famous what…?…didn’t quite finish your sentence there…I’ll fill in the blanks, the famous…crooks? Thieves? Bigots? New club?

  6. Another headline that will fit neatly into the hunbelievable category. It’s ironic that the churnalists don’t know the meaning of the word ”irony”. HH

  7. Fascism is abhorrent of course, those Lazio fans last night were warned by club et al about displays of Roman Salutes (More commonly associated with the National Socialist Party in Nazi ruled Germany)

    The MSSM gleefully report of them taking it upon themselves to cross that line isn’t surprising. Always the same with the ignorant. I’m not fascist I’ve got a (insert whatever) friend.

    However, it was challenged brilliantly by 60k roaring fans last night, an atmosphere that’s up there with many other European nights I’ve had at Paradise. The response from the Lazio fans to the goad/challenge by Celtics fans will surely bring another UEFA charge.

    Wonderful night last night. We rocked.

    • There’s little chance of a Scottish journalist highlighting anything negative regards ‘rangers’ their ‘billy boy’ fans or their knuckle crunching sash and bowler hat wearing fanbase.

      The Scottish newspaper industry is tarred with the same brush.

  8. Fascism is abhorrent of course, those Lazio fans last night were warned by club et al about displays of Roman Salutes (More commonly associated with the National Socialist Party in Nazi ruled Germany)

    The MSSM gleefully report of them taking it upon themselves to cross that line isn’t surprising. Always the same with the ignorant. I’m not fascist I’ve got a (insert whatever) friend.

    However, it was challenged brilliantly by 60k roaring fans last night, an atmosphere that’s up there with many other European nights I’ve had at Paradise. The response from the Lazio fans to the goad/challenge by Celtics fans will surely bring another UEFA charge.

    Wonderful night last night. We rocked.

    • You’ve spelt your name wrong, pal! SRTRC is a mouthpiece that does not require dental surgery, owing to the lack of teeth. And, as Phil rightly states, they truly lack self-awareness.

      My cousin (a former Deputy Grandmaster, and a C of S minister) counted on Ian Paisley, Pastor Glass, and Peter Robinson amongst his clique of friends. This same cousin also told my catholic neighbours that they were “worshippers of the anti-christ”. Only a bigoted moron would think that this is entirely normal!

      Certain people need to be dragged, kicking and screaming if necessary, into the 21st century. SRTRC, and Nil By Mouth are not going to be the ones to do it, sadly. However, at least they are bringing the subject of RACISM front and centre to the consciousness of not just the west of scotland, but further afield. What is your contribution to stamping it out?

      • An interesting theological insight. Those Roman Catholic neighbours would have believed your cousin was consigned to eternal damnation for not belonging to the “one true church” and for not being “in a state of grace” when he died.
        Religion eh?

        Anyway, Phil didn’t have any issue with SRTRC’s ;ack of self awareness when he took a role with them.

        • Your assertion that I “took a role” with SRTRC is easy to deny and has no basis in fact.
          In 2017 they asked me to meet with them in order to advise them on the subject of anti-Irish racism as I had authored a book on the subject.
          There is a piece on this site outlining those facts.

        • I don’t know what my neighbours believed. All I know is that my cousin was “invited to go forth and multiply”, and when his mother and his granny tried to justify his actions, that invitation was graciously extended to them too. If my cousin turned up at my own funeral, it is a meeting that I’d consider too soon.

        • danny

          There is only one true Church, whether you like it or not is immaterial, and those “Roman Catholic” neighbours
          would not consider anyone eternally damned. It is not the Church`s teaching.

          And by the way, there is no such organisation as the Roman Catholic Church. To admit that would be to assume there are other Churches of equal status. No, there is only one Holy Apostolic Church and that is the one with its headquarters in Rome and you will not find one iota of evidence within the walls of the Vatican that prefixes it with the word Roman.

          • As far as I understand it, the “Roman Catholic” term came into use after the establishment of Church of England orAnglican Catholic Church, simply as a way of distinguishing between them and the church based in Rome. I’m not an ecclesiastical scholar by any means but splits from the Roman based church were happening all over Europe at the time. This was I believe the second great schism in the Catholic/Apostolic Church. The first bring when Rome usurped power from the original seat of the Papacy in what was Constantinople, causing the split with what is now the Orthodox Church.

            I think! I could be well off the mark! It’s possibly misinformation I’ve absorbed over the years!

  9. You wonder how the Scottish mug press so called journalists would have dealt with it if it was the Klan Nazi fans from ibrox taking on the Lazio fascists. No doubt Lazio would have been the instigators and not the ibrox Ultras . You could not make it up one bad headline to call out Lazio fans doing this . But no mention in the Scottish press when Klan of Ultras have their day of marching at ibrox . Double standards does not even touch it or come close .


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