It is still difficult to quantify the long term consequences of the decision made yesterday by Lord Glennie.
Month: May 2012
Club and country
The club versus country debate just acquired a new meaning on Planet Fitba.
The key figure
Always follow the money.
The boys in blue at Ibrox?
That was the week that was for Duff and Phelps.
Happy Lisbon day!
This day 45 years ago I was a seriously happy nine year old Bhoy.
The great escape?
When a bad situation unfolds it is always a good response to claim that you have no knowledge.
Smart moves for powerful people
“Plausible deniability” is an important concept if you are at the head of an organisation.
Franchise football in Scotland
There is nothing wrong with franchise sport.
Decision making
Before you make an important decision it is important to have all the available facts at your disposal.
Campbell Ogilvie’s garden
Today I was asked by a foreign journalist to sum up the Rangers crisis in a few words.