The week end of the Old Firm cup tie earlier this month was meant to see all the SFA top referees out in Spain for their bonding get together thingy.
Last year it was a happy gathering near Marbella with Hugh Dallas in charge of his officials.
This year as the date loomed the officials that Hugh Dallas referred to as “my guys” were still clearly missing their leader. The senior officials have made it clear that they want their leader back.
Several senior referees made representations that the Spanish trip be cancelled.
This demand was not acceded to as it was an important part of the calendar and it was pre-booked, paid for etc.
All of the top grade officials were meant to be in San Pedro near Marbella with only enough officials left in the country to cover the cup tie.
My sources tell me that over a third of the compliment of whistlers called off for various reasons in the week before the meet up.
Meanwhile Mr.Dallas continues to work for UEFA as a referee’s observer covering the match the Sparta Prague v Liverpool match this week.