Howe is it going up there?

Despite being banished to the Word Mines, my phone has been hopping today about a certain vacant situation in Glasgow.

So I briefly broke off from my literary toil to speak to a very well-placed source tonight.

I think it is fair to say that he is closely aware of the machinations on Planet Desmond.

Consequently, I asked him if there had been any developments on the Eddie Howe front, and this what he sent me:

“Yes, all signed on Monday last. Just trying to finalise his backroom team. Gutman, Klimala and Perez were sold on his say so.”

Dear reader, do with that what you will.

I’m not currently in a position to stand it up with a second source, as that would seriously eat into my remaining writing time.

The submission date now looms like the dénouement in a taught thriller.

Stay safe.

3 thoughts on “Howe is it going up there?”

  1. Hi phil

    yeah hopefully get some annoncement soon hope your staying safe i work fo the NHS scotland am trying to look after us all but need to get cracking on sginings before july CLQ i think it dow to money for his backroom team staff

  2. Pleased by the news. I think Howe’s the right man for the job. Too much scuttlebutting by the bonnie press. Celtic have done it right, in their own way. We’ll miss some of these characters when theyre gone.


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