When Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini met with Adolf Hitler at their famous sit-down at the Brenner Pass on March 18th 1938 it was the former who was considered to be the senior man.
The German dictator had followed the example the Italian in consolidating absolute power.
Unlike the failed Munich Putsch of 1923 Mussolini’s march on Rome, the previous year had been totally successful.
Consequently, the Italian had been in power for eleven years before Hitler won the 1934 election.
Mussolini imagined a re-birth of the Roman imperium and sought to build an Italian empire in Africa.
The League of Nations looked on impotently as his tanks rolled across the deserts of Abyssinia.
However, all they had to do was to impose an oil embargo and Mussolini’s war machine would have ground to a halt in that war of imperialist aggression.
The judgement of history is harsh on that precursor to the United Nations.
When it mattered they didn’t step up.
Consequently, Mussolini and his kindred spirit in Germany were emboldened.
Therefore, it is quite a leap in 2019 for someone at the BBC to refer to the fascist demagogue who gave the Anglosphere that every word as a “wartime leader”.
Oh dear…
Journalists should be concerned with accuracy in their reporting.
Which means that they should choose their words carefully.
Benito Mussolini was a Fascist.
The word itself is worth unpacking.
The Fasces was a symbol of power and authority in ancient Rome.
It was clear that Mussolini wanted the Italian people to believe that their imperialist grandeur could be returned in the 20th century under his leadership.
Consequently, it became the totem of Il Duce’s police state.
Perhaps we should not expect too much of the chap at the Beeb.
After all, they cannot even get the basics right within their own bailiwick.
Today is Liquidation day on Planet Fitba.
We all know that Rangers died in 2012.
Here is the death certificate.
Moreover, when those events were unfolding it was undeniable to those of an Ibrox persuasion.
At that point, no one had offered them a denial narrative.
Just listen to Andy Gray in this clip from June 2012 as he takes on board what Hugh Keevins is stating about the end of Rangers.
However, after Charles of Normandy bought the basket of assets it suited various vested interests to pretend that the death had not occurred.
SFA chief Stewart Regan mentioned “social unrest”.
It was the opinion of the powerful on Planet Fitba that the Ibrox klan needed bread and circuses.
So the death of Rangers had to be officially denied.
This locked the local media into an Orwellian lie.
From that day on, they ceased being journalists.
Orwell’s forensic analysis of the soul of totalitarianism focused on the core of activity of any repressive regime.
In 1984 it is the Thought Police that you must not alert.
For anyone in the local media to point to the forensic facts of the summer of 2012 is to commit thought crime.
Just ask Jim Spence.
Orwell showed how any society that had thought crime was not in a good place.
It meant that the normal checks and balances were not in place and those in power would not be held to account by the Fourth Estate.
This often leads to those in positions of governance making very grave errors indeed.
At the Brenner Pass meeting, Mussolini agreed to enter a war on the side of Germany at an opportune moment.
It was a fatal miscalculation that would lead to his lifeless corpse hanging upside down in an ESSO station in Milan.
A macabre display, but it could be argued that it was important to show the Italian people that their Fascist nightmare was over and that Il Duce was no more.
He was dead and wasn’t coming back.
For the avoidance of doubt, neither are Rangers.
Anyone in the media who denies that basic fact are not being journalists.
So let’s leave the last word to George Orwell:
Anyone know if Sevco have booked a venue for their A.G.M.? If they have it will be a good indication of when the accounts will be out. The shareholders must be given a copy of the accounts in advance. I think it’s two weeks before the A.G.M. Could be wrong on that timescale though.
Is it not , that that’s the case when the company is playing fair and is transparent, with its shares floating about on a stock exchange mechanism, all sevco’s dealing are underhand and under the table , was that not dodgy dave’s plan once the nomad was absent , no one to answer to , no pesky reports to account for , a free rein to stand at his stall taking every penny he can , selling hope and promises all the while , the lifeboats being readied and the band plays on …
Let the ordinary man in the street try this , the fraud squad would be on his case faster than Ballyregan Bob after a hare !
James, I love the Titanic reference in relation to our friends at the ‘Den Of No-Equity’. Class, my good man, pure class. Hail Hail.
So it appears that Stoke have sacked their manager, cue various informed sources claiming Sevco have turned down a compensatory offer for Slippy worth £50 million to ensure they win the Champions League in 20/21. You read it here first folks.
Phil, those pesky accounts still havent appeared – I wonder if they are hoping for a good day to bury bad news. Sunday perhaps – if Hearts (dont) play ball.
Looks like The Daily Ranger has set up a football agency with Ryan Jack as their first client. Seeming, according to “two fingers” Ferguson”, he is responsible for “The Ryan Jack Rangers mentality change”. Hurry now, there is only one left!
Phil as an Independent journalist, you don’t have an editor standing over you with your P45 in his hand. They maybe journalists at heart, but they need the income to live, so it’s toe the party line or be sacked. It’s hard to find decent paying jobs these days, and I don’t blame individuals for what is printed.
Instead of picking on individuals direct your vitriol to those pulling the strings, they are the problem.
A quick Wiki search and the classic dialogue from Mel Brooks’ The Producers between conman producer Max Bialystock and Nazi-loving playwright Herr Liebekind springs to life….(it helps if you put on a bad German accent, alas)
Franz Liebekind: You know, not many people knew it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.
Max: Really, I never dreamed that…
Franz Liebekind: That is because you were taken in by that verdammte Allied propaganda! Such filthy lies! They told lies! But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they? No! ‘Win with Winnie!’ Churchill! With his cigars. With his brandy. And his rotten painting, rotten! Hitler – there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! Two Coats! Churchill. He couldn’t even say ‘Nazi’. He would say ‘Noooo-zeeehz, Nooooooooooooo-zeeehz!’ It wasn’t Noses! It was Nazis! Churchill!…Let me tell you this! And you’re hearing this straight from the horse. Hitler was better looking than Churchill. He was a better dresser than Churchill. He had more hair! He told funnier jokes! And he could dance the pants off of Churchill!…Churchill!
Makes you wonder how the average fascist/nazi in dear old Blighty can reconcile admiration for Hitler and Churchill and Mussolini… er, must be ‘totalitarianism’ they love.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
-Adolf Hitler (Wartime Politician and Author)
Watch out for a nice wee squirrel story to accompany the accounts . Like a nice big juicy box office signing that will keep the Benny’s happy. Especially when edged on by klan base journalists like Chris Jack and Gary Ralston who’s latest article today would make you vomit the way he licked sevco arse from the report of last night performance from them . Laurel & Hardy of the Scottish press will do as they are told from FATMAN at Level 5 and the CHISLER chairman to get out there all the feelgood factor stories knowing fine well that it’s all FAKE NEWS . Now we know that but the BENNY’S well once again they will be in total denial . Oh and just off topic here but apparently sevco had over 30 million quid of talent on the bench on Sunday so says wee Coco over in one of their blogs in Kent and Morelos. LOL
At about 44 minutes.
Well, well,no sign of the eagerly awaited Rangers annual results.
Surely there is no way Dallas Campbell can sign off on the accounts if Mr Cold Shoulder is signing on behalf of the club/company/thingy?
When the much lauded half year fag packet calculations were unleashed King was quick to point out that the results were proof that the club was on the right track and the days of trading at a loss were behind them.
I wonder what pearls of wisdom he will unleash this time around.
The numbers of course will not include the expenditure on Kent.
Will the auditors include a provision for the expected SDI hit as no doubt Rangers will have a handle on what Ashley is seeking as recompense?
They’re waiting for a “bad news day” event before they release those figures… something along the lines of “Boris Johnson combs his hair”, or “doctors discover that Donald Trump has a brain”. Until such times, these accounts will never reach the public’s gaze.
All true… but we have had 7 years of the Klub, it’s fans, the media, SFA and spfl all spouting the same continuation lie that it truly has been as good as established as ‘truth’…
We know it is not the ‘truth’ but we have insufficient voice to counter the combined power of the above mentioned groups. Just look at the way pundits and phone-in hosts mock , sigh, groan and try to ridicule any enlightened supporter (Celtic or otherwise) who dares call them Sevco on air or highlights their short history and lack of trophies…
Genuine colleges who teach genuine journalism should be using this as a case study of case studies… how a simple lie supported by collusion from media, the supposed ‘upholders of them game’ and a mere few years can turn myth into ‘apparent’ fact to all but those who know the full story.
The most disgusting part of the whole 7 year lie is that this Bastard offspring of a club was allowed to exist in the first place….
…. that Celtic FC/PLC seem to be increasingly complicit in their birth and the promotion of the continuation lie is a shameful side issue that should bring a bitter taste to the senses of every Celtic supporter.
Believe me it does! And, to me anyway, it’s becoming clearer by each passing day that it’s the only possible explanation of their failure to act on Resolution 12.
How very true and expertly laid out to enable even SMSM ‘non-journalists’ to completely understand,well;hopefully!!
Thanks for the update Phil🍀
Great summary Phil. I was absolutely gobsmacked to see that tweet from an official BBC ‘journalist’. Is that how Mussolini is seen by the BBC? A wartime LEADER! The leader of what exactly? The leader of men against evil! The leader of democracy! What could he have possibly meant with that choice of words? Is Mussolini one of his own personal heroes!
Interesting piece on orange marches etc yesterday evening on Radion 4 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0009qvw
Adolf Hitler: house painter and war-time town planner.