Poppy Porn came early to Ibrox this season.
It is still October and Remembrance Sunday is weeks away.
In fairness, this is merely mirroring what is happening in TV studios in across Britain.
The RBL Poppy seems to appear earlier each year in the British media.
I will not re-visit the reasons for the weaponizing of Britain’s war dead.
The search function on this site works well enough to yield up articles going back a decade on the subject.
Suffice to say the RBL Poppy also commemorates this highly paid war criminal in Ireland and not just a conscripted Baldrick on the Somme.
With each passing month here in Ireland there are new inconvenient truths emerging about of the behaviour of British death squads in Ireland during their dirty war in the Six Counties.
These genuine recollections of nothern nationalists are no different to the oral history passed onto your humble correspondent by his Cumman na mBan grandmother in Mayo.
Of course, all of this is way above the pay grade of the Stenography Corps.
Theirs is not to reason why. Theirs is but to copy and paste.
Therefore, I will give them a pass on all of this.
They simply don’t have the collective cognitive bandwidth to process any of this stuff.
Instead, they are at their best when they assess the pressing the issues of the day:
Who scored the goal?
Was it offside?
I think that it is fit and proper that they are concerned with such weightier matters
However, when they do veer into anything that requires a firm grasp of history or, indeed, a moral compass they tend to be hopelessly adrift.
Recently, one award-winning chap seemed to think he could have a stab at the politics of anti-fascism.
It was sad to observe…
Now, the very fact that UEFA insist upon a strong anti-racist message on match days means that they are explicitly stating that politics should not be left at the door of the stadium.
Meanwhile, others on Planet Fitba appear to be concerned about hurting the feelings of current members the Mussolini klan in Italy.
WW2 revivalism is a major theme among the contemporary right-wing in Britain and Ibrox is not immune to it.
Winston Churchill is venerated as a national hero who opposed fascism.
It might be confusing to point out to the Ibrox klan that Churchill was also a huge admirer of Benito Mussolini.
Racist imperialists tend to like each other until their geopolitical interests collide.
Of course, those who remain ignorant of the lessons history tend to commit the dangerous error of repetition.
Thankfully “the greatest ever Briton” is being re-evaluated by the historically literate.
For the avoidance of doubt, the British were rather fond of using artillery to inflict death on the victims of their empire.
Lest we forget…
Wasn’t aware Churchill had a liking for Il Duce, but it’s worth remembering that he delivered a speech in (Belfast) Celtic Park 1912 in support of Home Rule for Ireland, and got attacked by a loyalist mob for his free thinking. He deserves a little respect for that Phil.
Well now, I wish to address the matter of the Green Brigade. Once again these self-serving little bastards have disgraced themselves, and given ammunition to our enemies.
It should be firstly pointed out, that as Celts, we are BY DEFINITION anti-fascist. We certainly do not have to shout it from the rooftops as these bar-room rebels do. Displaying those banners means another hefty fine from EUFA.
More importantly, our supporters going to Rome may face real danger. If such a thing comes to pass, would these ignorant tossers give a flying f**k? Of course they wouldn’t. Why would they. They achieved PUBLICITY and NOTORIETY for themselves…so job done as far as these wee bastards are concerned. It must stop NOW. Shout these wan*ers down at away games and in Paradise itself. If you meet them in pubs, tell them EXACTLY what you think of them. If you see them on the Gallowgate, LET THEM HAVE IT…and you can interpret that last bit any way you wish.
Celtic supporters should let it be known to the club that we will be boycotting all cup games from now on, unless these bastards are IMMEDIATELY f**ked out of Parkhead.
it has been suggested here by a few posters that the SFA has the goods on peter Lawwell. If not, why the cowardly silence re Res. 12 and other matters. In the same way, does the Daily Record have something on this guy? How else can you explain these bigots still being allowed a platform at CP despite their recent guttersnipe trash. F**k them out of CP along with the Blue-sorry- Green Brigade.
As for the Brits, ‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will REMEMBER THEIR WAR CRIMES’:
1. Bloody Sunday 1920 1972.
2 Ballymurphy Massacre 1971
3. New Lodge Massacre 1973.
4. Amritsar 1919
5. Mesopotamia 1923 etc. etc. etc.
Hail Hail. FTGB
Sums it up perfectly for me. Hunt these infantile wee neds out of CP — NOW!
When I heard that they had brought a cannon into Ibrokes I thought that UEFA were going a bit far in trying to annihilate the Union Bears . A simple ban would have been enough !
I’m sure the fact that British Union of Fascists thug Billy ‘Boy’ Fullerton is venerated (!?) down Ibrox way has had no bearing on how the SMSM have reported this.
Jackass Jackson with his 20/20 vision eh what a roaster . Where was this clown or where is this clown when the klan and their ultras are parading around the streets of the ibrox stadium under a police escort shouting let’s punch a catholic . Jackass Jackson the Booze Jockey of the so called scottish media really needs to sober up before he attempts to write anymore articles in his dying rag of a newspaper .
There`s one certainty, there was no chance of any of them firing a gun in earnest during the war, unless it was a starter gun to get off their marks at the sign of a uniform. They all headed for the shipyards or the mines. They became Bevan Boys while those they hated became Soldier Bhoys. You have to laugh at all the butchers flegs flying in the gardens in Ayrshire when you consider they are all descended from the Bevan, or was it Bevin?, Boys.
They should have had a Rivet gun.
Why oh why did the Green Brigade think it a good idea to make a banner of a lynched dead Italian man & wife hanging upside down after being brutally beaten to death at the end of the 2nd world war? Maybe if we play a German team we could have a banner of Hitler and his wife committing suicide or if a Libyan team they could make a banner of Qaddafi getting sodomized with swords? Absolutely disgusting behaviour in my honest opinion.
I agree John, raising the temperature in an already inflamed area for all those going to Rome just wanting to support their team in safety. Really puerile, irresponsible and pointless.
Mussolini like Hitler was a murdering, scumbag war criminal and sub-human. He deserves no respect whatsoever. The pic the supporters had on display depicted a fit and deserving end to the scummy tyrant, and a reminder to future generations that abhorent scum like Mussolini got their just desserts.
So you think using such an image to wind up a section of Italian Society already known for their lack of self awareness and ability to distinguish right from wrong is a great idea when upwards of 10,000 Celtic Supporters still have to travel to the same Streets these knuckleheads reside in?
See if one innocent Celtic Supporter gets knifed ( or worse) over there as a result of these actions do you consider this a worthy price to pay so some wee Ned can express his views at a game of Football?
I don’t.
If they brains they would be dangerous.
Talk about victim blaming, it’s sentiment like this that perpetrators of fascism, racism and all other ism’s and forms of bullying seek to highlight as an excuse for being sub-human.
If those pesky Indians hadn’t went on that salt march, if those pesky peasants hadn’t decided to feed their families, if those pesky young uns hadn’t stood in front of tanks, if those pesky Boers hadn’t farmed the rich land above the gold and diamonds if those pesky jews……
Call it out for whatever it is, passive resistance doesn’t bode well short term and lives are not made better by tweeting displeasure.
Stand up, get active, show strength, ideology isn’t a pipe dream when challenging this sort of shit.
100 % agree with that and fully back the sentiment.
However that should be done in the Political Arena NOT a Sporting Arena.
You are not dealing with rationally minded individuals here you are dealing with sub intellectual types who cannot see what they believe in is wrong.
So to actively go about goading them ( From the safety of your own Ground and stands) by holding up a banner depicting the death of one of the main protagonists of Fascism is HIGHLY dangerous for those who will be left exposed to these drongos in their own Streets,Bars and Public spaces.
If you can’t see the inherent danger for your own then I’m sorry but there is less hope for some of our own than I thought.
I hope and pray there is no serious comeback on our own.
That should be the MAIN concern of every Celtic fan,
Gerald, you can add Stalin and Mao to your list…tyrants all. Hail Hail.
John please excuse my pedantry, Benito Mussolini was shot to death and dumped out of the back of a van along with 17 other fascisti di combatimento scum, then battered hung urinated upon and battered some more, a fitting end to one of the scum of the earth, that last bit was written by the Ethiopian in me, HH.
Can jack a-se tell us how many Lazio fans were attacked. Clown
I’m disgusted by the article in the daily ranker by KJ, he simply misses the point then goes on to warm our travelling support that any violence foisted upon them is at the behest of GB actions at Paradise. This guy is a scum bag, to lay blame at potential victims feet is absolutely disgusting. Surely he could call it out but then again he’s just a prick and can’t see by his own blue nose.
I’m guessing the people of Manchester are to blame for the riots down there when oldco reached a final, or the Polish fans for the racist chanting and those Irish in Scotland…..
Don’t be vague blame General Haig, one of the many reasons my father refused to buy a poppy