Misplaced Confidence?

It is a cliché that confidence is important in football.

Of course that usually means that the statement is true to some extent.

That is why a cliché evolves as such into everyday usage.

The Sevco sitcom appears to be heading for a showdown next month somewhere in London.

The stenographers are openly campaigning for David Cunningham King to ascend the Marble Staircase after the General Meeting.

If that happens then they are assured of succulent morsels just like in the days when Rangers were alive.

On the other side there is Big Mike.

It is accepted that there is no free lamb on the menu at St James’ Park.

Indeed recently the guys in the press box there found out that all hot food was off the menu as a cost cutting measure.

Of course he currently has his trusted lieutenants inside the Big House.

The media are stating that there is a bunker mentality there and that the Ancien Régime at Ibrox knows that the game is up.

However sources inside the stadium that John Brown played for paint a rather different picture.

Chief Executive Derek Llambias is, of course, Big Mike’s guy.

Despite being accosted by a representative of The People as he relaxed in a hotel bar he continues to go about his business quietly and methodically.

Recently he signed off on the budget for the renovations to Ibrox that have to be carried out in the close season.

The demeanour of Llambias when he dealt with Stadium Manager Gordon McAlister was of someone who expected to Chief Executive next season.

Indeed he has stated that to anyone there who wishes to know.

It could, of course, just be the public face to staff there.

What, I think, should be off the table is that Big Mike will simply do walking away as Mr King accepts the adulation of The People after March 4th.

Despite what the Daily Radar would have you believe there is definitely an element of ‘business as usual’ at Ibrox.

It might be bravado, but the current regime has informed several senior Sevco staff that they intend to be there after the General Meeting.

On the other side the King camp seem uber confident that they have the numbers to win the day.

If the South African based Scot is correct then the current regime is indeed on borrowed time.

They also exist on borrowed money, from Big Mike.

For the avoidance of doubt Mr Ashley does not want to own a football club in Govan.

He has his mitts on the profitable parts and he wants to keep it that way.

If the requisitioners get the keys to the Big House then they will find themselves trying to run the operation without access to major revenue streams.

Big Mike has retail, most of the advertising space around the stadium and that suits him just fine.

Someone else doing all that squishy emotional football stuff would suit him fine.

He also has, as part of the recent loan deal Ashley has “fixed charges over Murray Park, Edmiston House, Albion Car Park, and the Club’s registered trademarks” as well as proceeds from shirt sponsorship from the 2017.18 season.

With this in arrangement in place it is hard to argue that Big Mike has a firm grip on Rangers (2012).

If the General meeting goes ahead is will, of course, come down to the votes.

There are several unknowns and the main one is how River and Mercantile will jump.

I understand that these chaps came into their shareholding through Charles Green and not via Malcolm Murray’s pitch in the Square Mile.

That might prove to be important.

Like Big Mike their decision will be business, it won’t be personal.

The Newcastle United owner will be guided by the bottom line at RIFC/TRFC.

He is definitely not part of the Ibrox culture.

Unlike Walter Smith he does believe that financial common sense has to have a place at the boardroom table.

Even if Mr King is successful at the General meeting he will be in control of a football club shorn of many of its major revenue streams.

Moreover he has stated at the recent presser that he does not intend to pay back the £10m loan to Ashley immediately on getting the keys of the Big House.

This seemed strange and is certainly not Fergus McCann type behaviour.

The Bunnet paid off all debts immediately, but then again the wee man had the cash to do just that.

In the meantime the hacks are blindly and hopefully banging the drum for the King cause.

However, if the confidence of Big Mike’s side is justified then the Big House will be a cold abode for the stenographers after they have been so squarely in the King camp.

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