The initial response from the Fitba Fourth estate to Channel 4 News’ ground breaking piece on the Ibrox klan was depressingly predictable.
Month: October 2012
The shameful truth on Channel 4
Last night on Channel 4 News there was a piece of television reporting that should be a wakeup call for everyone in Scotland.
Telling the truth about the Ibrox klan
When I started writing about the Rangers scandal I realised that the Glasgow media were part of the problem.
From famine song to famine memorial.
One of the common themes about memorials to the Irish famine across the world has been a distinct lack of politics or religiosity evoked within bronze, iron and stone.
James Bond at 50
It remains one of the most memorable lines in cinema history.
“The name’s Bond, James Bond.”
A new age for journalism
The most recent circulation figures for paper sales in Scotland are in keeping with the downward trend.
A troubling truth comes dripping slowly
I was not surprised to see the Daily Record’s main guy James Traynor going into bat against Craig Whyte last night on Newsnight Scotland.
Two very likeable guys
I have to admit that I just can’t help liking this guy Whyte.
Auntie gets it right on Rangers
It would appear that someone in the Beeb is rather off message on matters Sevco.
Hurricane Craigie set to hit Ibrox!
Severe weather warning Edmiston Drive area.