Fascism and a fearful Fourth Estate

I was happy to give a quote to Mike Small of Bella Caledonia for this piece on the rise of the far right.

It will come as no surprise to regular readers here that I consider the Fitba Fourth Estate to be a fairly timid bunch.

That is especially true when the story is apropos Ibrox.

There are numerous reasons for this.

There is the fear that their press accreditation will be withdrawn from the stadium that John Brown played for.

The other is that some of these titans of journalism are emotionally committed to the cause of unsurpassed dignity, tax evasion, and imperfectly registered players.

However, another reason is simply their fear of the klan.

A note on terminology:

That’s ‘klan’ with a lower case ‘k.’

I outlined the reasons for using this term at some length in ‘Minority Reporter.’

However, here is the shortened version:

If you get together with your buddies to lovingly remember a member of the Ku Klux Klan (all upper case) and tell an ethnic minority to “go home” then the nomenclature is apposite.

Clear enough?

Sadly, a  portion of the Ibrox home crowd is drawn from the Billy Fullerton strata of society.

It had been hoped in both Britain and the USA that such supremacist views were increasingly the preserve of a failed underclass.

Or in the Stateside lexicon ‘Trailer Trash’.

Now President-Elect Trump has appointed Steve Bannon, a noted White Supremacist as one of his advisers.

Racism and xenophobia are mainstream now and not just in the USA.

The spike in hate crimes against foreigners in the UK in the aftermath of the Brexit vote reminded me of the England that my Mayo father experienced in the 1950s.

The signs were unequivocal:

‘No Blacks, no dogs, no Irish.’

Now in England, it seems to be, in the main, Polish people who are the targets of this xenophobic hatred.

Apparently ,these British patriots have never heard of 303 Squadron in the Battle of Britain.

It is the role of the Fourth Estate, especially in times like these, to be the moral compass of society.

To inform, to campaign, to clarify and, crucially, to remind.

Instead in Perfidious Alba, we can get this invertebrate apologia for a fascist sing-along at Ibrox.

That is why the Fifth Estate publications like Bella Caledonia are so valuable in Scotland.

Not all of the mainstream has been found wanting in calling out the klan.

Back in 2012 Channel 4 News told the truth about the fascist underclass that clings to the Ibrox match day experience.

Of course, Tomo isn’t Scottish, and he and his Channel 4 crew visited Fair Caledonia to see clearly what the hacks in Glasgow wouldn’t mention.

That a fascist mob connected to Ibrox were intimidating scores of journalists and anyone else who irked them.

The strategy of most journalists working the Ibrox beat is to slope the shoulders and send out the classic signs of submission.

One BBC journalist said this year to an ex-colleague that the chaps at Pacific Quay were “walking on eggshells” regarding the situation at Ibrox.

It would be wrong to think that this typifies all journalists in Scotland because it doesn’t.

Across the planet, brave, principled men and women put their lives on the line to hold the powerful to account.

Many of them pay the ultimate price for their fidelity to the journalistic task.

In 2013 at the world congress of the International Federation of Journalists we had a quiet procession through the streets of Dublin from Dublin Castle past City Hall.

We were all carrying a single carnation.

Each follower represented a journalist killed in the line of duty since the previous World Congress of the IFJ.

Here is my report in An Phoblacht.

In the aftermath of the RIFC AGM there does not appear to have been a presser.

Moreover, this doesn’t seem to have been raised as an issue.

The overall reportage was obedient and on message.

Prima facie in the global order of things it isn’t a huge story.

This is only a four-year-old football club and its shambolic parent company is headed up by a convicted criminal.

Small scale stuff, a bit like Sevco.

However, when you lift the rock at Edmiston Drive, you find journalists following orders from the powerful and a clientele singing approvingly about a fascist street gang from the 1920s.

In my journalistic duty to remind I will point out that the Fascist leaders of the 1930s all used football to bolster their popularity among the masses.

In the age of celebrity, it shouldn’t surprise us that a demagogue like Trump emerged from the ersatz world of Reality TV.

If the far right in Scotland produces a leader with the charismatic minerals to gather a following, I would not be shocked to find him wearing a Sevco top covered in Poppies.

For the avoidance of doubt, if any aspirant Fascist in Scotland wanted a ready-made following then they know where to find them.

Oh, and one other thing.

Don’t expect to read about any of this in the Daily Radar.

After all, they’re only following orders…

0 thoughts on “Fascism and a fearful Fourth Estate”

  1. Good article, except for the politics. I would suggest that having a pop at the elected President of the US is political. This is meant to be a football blog is it not?

  2. It’s bad enough that we are fed lies, untruths and fairytales by the Scottish media.

    Throw in some self confessed plagiarism.

    But when they can’t even be bothered to get the simplest thing correct what chance do we have.

    There are the two so called journalists at the Rangers fanzine, Evening Times, who between them in an article last year couldn’t differentiate between Michael and Martin O’Neil.

    Chris McLaughlin however takes the biscuit for his BBC summing up of today’s match.

    According to Chris, James Forrest scored the 2nd goal with a left foot strike and followed that up by saying that Patrick Roberts was the player brought down for the penalty.

    And before anyone asks, yes Chris was actually at the game but not paying much attention by the sound it.

    • Clearly a Commie Journo with Pravda.

      If it’s stated, it’s how it is.

      I hope Patrick Roberts gets over the foul and isn’t injured. I’m sure it’s not painful.

    • Joe,

      Spot on mate, noticed that myself. It’s a pity these clowns aren’t on some sort of performance related pay as a quick review of their output would see them delivered a payslip reading £0.00.
      They were really up against it yesterday as no matter how they tried, there was nothing they could say other than to accept that Aberdeen were absolutely destroyed by a 2nd gear Celtic as that was all Celtic had to produce.
      They continue to suggest that Aberdeen are a potential challenge to Celtic which is more in hope than any application of logic. Truth is, Aberdeen are a very mediocre side and they and their manager continue to get an easy ride from the media in order to help keep up the pretence. Again, more in hope than logic.
      Had the result yesterday been reversed, you wouldn’t have to imagine the headlines today….. “Rodgers miserable trophy drought continues” “Rodgers fails again” “Dandy Dons dance over dreadful Celts” blah blah blah!
      But, as you say, they can’t be arsed to put down their drink and actually see which foot Forrest scored with.
      I noticed another “Oh Dear” link from the Master yesterday… (grrrrr), however as I could see the full piece of garbage he was referring to, I didn’t have to ignore said link. Apparently Mr. Nobody reckons the Cup Final “shows that Scottish football NEEDS a strong Rangers”!
      Now, does he mean Rangers, the vile collection of ineligible players led by a cheating management system who went a very long way to destroying Scottish football and consequently, they themselves no longer exist? Or, does he mean “the rangers”? aka Sevco… The bad Elvis impersonator who believes he IS Elvis, the Honey G who thinks it’s Jay Z. The Magician who thinks he’s entertaining.The 4yr old club who thinks it can “win” 54 league titles in 4 years!
      Since the first one cannot possibly become strong from a position of being out of business, he must surely be referring to the 2nd.
      All without the merest mention of “Of course, at the moment we are a joke squad with a joke manager and fronted by a convicted criminal which means no ethical banking business is likely to be interested”.
      I’ve also noticed more and more mumblings towards “well Celtic are out of sight because of their budgets etc”. Which of course makes it all our fault.
      We are aiming over the next few seasons to re-establish ourselves and restore some credibility in Europe and if that means we get further away from our home competition so be it.
      It was destroyed by a cheating and now dead Rangers, and it will be a long way back for the Aberdeens, Hearts, Hibs, Dundee Utds etc. Can Sevco get there? Who cares? One thing is certain……They are most definitely NOT needed.
      Ah well, 2/3rds of the Treble already wrapped up, just wait to see the honest mistakes in the Scottish Cup!


  3. Congratulations to Celtic Football Club on achieving our 100th honestly won trophy!

    No EBT’s, no improperly registered players, just hard work and attacking football played the Celtic way.

    Well done to everyone from Willie Maley and his teams to Jimmy McGrory, Jock Stein, Billy McNeill, David Hay and Martin O’Neill et al!

    You and all who’ve graced the Hoops have done us proud. Thank you!

  4. We are a country mile ahead of the 4 Y O club and they know it and I hope it hurts as we have not cheated to be in the position we are.Todays fascile victory over the team most likely to finish second to us is evidence that Brendan has us on a progressive path that will see the Hoops dominate for years to come.In terms of football we all know things change and our superiority may be challenged in the future but in terms of how we view life that will never change.We shall always look to do the right things and help others as opposed to doing things that are right for ourselves and helping our own.Our ethos wont change and sadly neither will sevconians outlook on life.We are better people.

  5. As for Chris, Peace Be Upon Him, Graham, and his tweet, I think we all know what he would have tweeted if TRFC had beaten Aberdeen today……….something along the lines of We Welcome the Chase.
    CG and the klan will wait s long time till the are challenging Celtic.
    Here we go Ten in A Row.

  6. Never mind all that, what’s happened to The Clumpany?!

    I need to sign in to a Word Press account to read him now , wtf is that all about?

  7. dear rumpole , I will make allowances with regard to the time of your post

    however you clearly have no understanding of socialism , communism , democratic centralism or the origins of the Bolshevik state under Lenin and Trotsky , before the rise of stalin .
    which Lenin warned about in his final testament.

    please do no confuse any bastardisation following from Stalinism with democratic traditions that is based on the mass organisation of working people.

    the fact that you end up proposing alliances with trump [ watch cuba ] and farage removes any credibility from yourself.

    the next time your up at 2am watch a shopping channel

    • Sadly, too many people think that Stalins regime was a natural progression from Bolshevism which is clearly wrong. Leon Trotsky’s brilliant analysis of the Stalin era as nothing more than state capitalisim is a must read for anyone interested in why the Revolution degenerated. I’m currently reading Trotsky’s, History of the Russian Revolution and Serge’s, The Century of the Unexpected, Essays on Revolution and Counter-Revolution. Well worth a go.

      Speaking of fascists, I noticed that the BNP have lost their last district councillor in the UK after Brian Parker, who sits on Pendle Council, Lancashire, quit the party. Good riddance.

    • Time zones exist throughout the world.
      Problem with Marxist Leninist Societies, philosophy and economics is that they are predicated on the false premise that human kind is fundamentally altruistic in nature, consequently a totalitarian fascistic state must be imposed upon peoples where it is attempted.
      It is no coincidence that nowhere in the world has such a political system been successful and always leads to an abandonment and evolution towards capitalism. In Cuba SMEs are now commonplace and the motivation of profit and subsequently self improvement led to a rise in living standards, which were in free fall as communism failed. State controlled commerce is too inefficient because the priorities are not fundamentally commercial in nature.
      In the UK we do not shy away from telling people that they must prepare to provide for themselves in old age, but we don’t attack the state dependency culture of from the cradle to the grave, which does people a huge dis-service by not encouraging self evaluation, self awareness and self development. Such an approach is highly developed in Scandanavian countries.

  8. I started Uni in the mid1970s, on a full grant since my mother was a widow with many mouths to feed. It was apparent even there and then the hatred of the middle class and upper class for people like me. One of my brothers, successful in business, has contributed more in taxation than our family ever received, more, indeed, than the “Moderates” – the label Tories hid behind, these days Bliarites – paid in their entire puff.
    Class hatred? You betcha. Those miserable arseholes want everyone bowing and scraping, wiping their backsides when they’re 97.
    New right wing?
    I think not.
    Waking up it’s called.

  9. Communism and Fascism (National Socialism) are almost exactly the same.

    It was an absolutely brilliant trick on humanity to deceive they were diametric opposites. Both are absolute Dictatorships.

    Both are the rise of working class thugs as a new controlling elite using fear, torture, mass murder, low brow language and mass brainwashing to control nations. Demonising those in the population not on board.

    The people own nothing under Communism. Everything is controlled by the Communist elite, whom therefore own everything.

    I recognise what is going on in Govan is just as close to Communism as Fascism. However, the Elite controllers will use whatever social tools work.

    There was no Communism in human history until the Bolshevik reaction to WWI. Fascism arose out of the 1930’s abject misery of economic depression.

    Communism is a failed human social controlling model. It has failed miserably. That is an absolute truth. Ask East Germans if they want to go back to Communism (1945-1989).

    Modern Russia and China are not Communist states. They embrace rampant capitalism and the free market economy. Profiteering without morals is the new ideology.

    North Korea is now a Feudal Fascist Dictatorship.

    Throw at me Adolf Hitler or Franco and I Trump you with Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Castro, et al. All ruthless mass murdering psychos.

    The Communists despised all religious thought. Buddhist States were a pushover. Only Islamic nations matched the West in halting Communism. Catholic Poland resisted Soviet Communism and brought it down with Glasnost and Perestroika.

    The successful world social model is founded upon contracts and mutually beneficial deals. Bill Clinton was a great deal maker. It includes doing deals with folk you don’t like. Trump is a supremely successful businessman. He is an expert at cutting a contracted deal. He will be a great President for Americans. It won’t be so great for other nations he trades with.

    The UK now desperately needs a Prime Minister who can cut a good deal with the EU on Brexit.

    The angle I would use is friendship with Trump. If the UK gets hammered in negotiations will Trump leverage the EU to assist the U.K.? Great if we can get it. Use Farrage!

    Phil, your piece on your son being really smart and Observing Trump is lazy therefore the better option, based upon that factor, was erroneous. Hilary Clinton was demonised as the Artillery Hillary worst option closer to Fascism. You have appeared to completely flip your mindset with this article.

    Surely a 19th Century Democratic benevolent Monarchical Imperialist social model is the best of all? It beats 20th Century Communism and its ugly sister Fascism hands down. The 20th Century was lost to these two carefully constructed Monsters.

    Finally, the Fourth estate has always been more fearful and controlled under Communism than Fascism.

  10. Good work,Thai Tim.You’ve obviously done your research.Some people just don’t like admitting that some of their views/beliefs are wrong and misguided.Lang may your lum reek!

  11. A tour de force! The key line – which utterly shames most of the SMSM – is “this is only a four-year-old football club”… I’d love to hear members of the press pack try and talk their way out of that ON THE RECORD.

    You quoted that ridiculous Michael Gannon article which I remember robustly lampooning at the time…


    I wonder if he is now embarrassed?

  12. We need to watch this space regards the recount./audit about to happen in the US. Trump may well have crossed the line thanks to hacking and other fraud. It just doesn’t make sense she won ny 2.5m overall and lost these three key states so narrowly. Something ain’t right and I smell a rat.

  13. A much maligned man who, while no democrat, stood up to US imperialists , and provided the basics of life for his people despite a pernicious and enduring economic stranglehold imposed by those same imperialists. Descansa en paz Fidel Castro.

  14. Ruth Davidson, Murdo Fraser & Adam Tomkins of the Conservative & Unionist Party may not be fascists but they are going out of their way to convince the Billy Boys they have a safe house in Scottish Unionists politics…..!

  15. bbc online reporting an American site called “ professor watch “

    this site is outing so called `liberal ` educators , and advising anyone considering donating , or setting up support programmes, to the educational establishment that their money is going to anti republican lecturers.

    the individual behind this is a 22 year old who spoke at the republican convention to round up support for this McCarthy tactic . [ please watch the film “guilty by suspicion “ or “the front“ ].

    attacks on the poor , minorities or simply anyone not off their ilk is often preceded by attacks on supposed ` liberal ` intelligentsia by the forces of reaction.

    this is one step away from Salem witch-hunts , sackings and book burning .

    worldwide reaction is on the move.

    unfortunately the response from the named has been to attempt to make light of these attacks , they have 1st amendment rights and good strong tongues in their heads.

    however historically these types of attacks are met with distain and not met head on .

    as the man said in godfather , “they should have stopped hitler at munich “

  16. Oh my my! The ignorance of the people who cannot see PROPAGANDA when they see it when it is there own side that brainwashes their masses that it is the other side that are the bad yins and the ones doing the propaganda.

    If you would do a simple bit of research Phil you would see that JFK speeches were EXACTLY the same as Hitlers warning against the very same secret societies and secrecy – only Hitler shut down the secret societies and he and his party actually told the people the TRUTH. JFK also started to print his own debt and interest FREE currency – Greenback Dollars just like Hitler did only Hitler actually did what JFK and our corrupt controlled governments/political parties should have did back then and now – he arrested the bankers and jailed them including one of the Rothschilds and took over their banks and then printed his own debt and interest FREE currency like I said and that is why Germany was booming in the 1930’s while the rest of the world was in these Elites DELIBERATELY created Depression.

    These Elites then engineered WW2 by demonising Hitler/Germany to take him out because they did not want the masses waking up and asking why our governments were not doing the same as him. Here is Hitler warning the world what was going on back then and what he is saying is EXACTLY what is going on just now only Hitler made the mistake of thinking that it was only the Jews when it is all the Elites/Royalty etc all the way up to the Vatican behind everything that is going on :

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=froTxqKSqc4

    The same goes for Brexit – it is all a huge con as the Elites build a United States of Europe with NO countries with Scotland going to be a REGION of that and England going to be split into 9 REGIONS etc and all of this letting people go into any country within the EU and all of the immigration is to aid in this getting rid of countries and also to bring down our wages and standard of living etc. Africa is also going to be joined to this later on with the people there allowed to come here as well etc etc etc. Here just a part of this Brexit con is being exposed as they work behind the scenes to integrate everything while pretending we are coming out. SNP is part of this massive con with their independence in the EU – a huge oxymoron that one – out of the frying pan and into the fire :

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeCkmkZ2IV0

  17. On brexit…Vast Majority didnt vote out because they are facists Phil. Incredibly disrespectful to out voters. Your a bit naive on the EU.

    The EU is the tool that the US uses to carry out its facist goal of world hegemony (destroying country after country, killing maiming god knows how many millions). Being in the EU your Ireland is very much a part of this now even though the Irish people originally voted out. But the elite didnt like it so had a 2nd vote to get the result they wanted. Majority of UK voted out but they wont let it happen. I believe they will do same here, a 2nd vote to get result they want.

    Letting a small group of unelected beureaucrats who serve their banking & corporate masters to dictate policies on the mass populous (see TTIP). Surely this is more facist than people of a nation deciding for themselves what happens in their own country???

    • Agreed! Good to hear from someone who actually knows what they are talking about. Too many people thinks politics is similar to supporting a football team. For them if it’s left it’s good and if it’s right it’s bad (or vice-versa). Weren’t Stalin & Mao Tse-Tung left wing? Wasn’t Hitler a national socialist? I never have much respect for commentators who compartmentalize issues as either “left” or “right”. It’s just another tool for divide and conquer and it’s all very immature and naive, and NO Phil, Steve Bannon is NOT a White Supremacist just because The Guardian or Snopes says he is! Why not actually listen to what he has to say instead of believing in propagandist labels, and I don’t mean listing so-called quotes taken out of context. Give one example of something that Steve Bannon has SAID that gives you the right to label him as such. My guess is you’ve probably never even heard him speak! But if the mainstream media says it then it must be true eh? Can’t you see the irony?

    • At least they aren’t imprisoning homosexuals and Catholics as they do in Cuba, a quintessential Marxist Lennist country in which SMEs are now proliferating exponentially.
      Hypocracy……..? Now where’s my dictionary?

      • The problem with a lot of these people who think they are left wing is that they dont fully understand or comprehend what the EU really is.

        Programmed by a lifetime of mainstream news & education (propoganda/shite) many have lost the ability to think for themselves.

        They see dots like workers rights & in their simplistic view they think because of this the EU is a good thing.

        But this is the sugar on the cyanide.

        The hypocrisy of those that attacked the out voters is flabbergasting. They said if you vote out your a facist. But they vote to stay in a facist system of a tiny unelected few controlled by banking & corporate elite dictate to the hundreds of millions.

        The EU was created by the US (or rather the powers that control the US) to easier control the entire region. And without the EU/NATO cover would be unable to carry out its wars of aggresion to any country that does not bow to its interests.

        If WW3 does kick off how do these ‘lefties’ feel about being on the wrong side. Because in effect thats what we are under the EU. Vassals to the US in its pursuit of world hegemony.

        Look at the middle east. How many millions have died? And wheres the outcry from Ireland or Scotland or anywhere else? We say nothing and go along with it. We are vassals to a force that has caused so much devastation its uncomprehensible.

        Yet people want to stay a part of it.

  18. They’re (supposed journo’s) are fooling no one, they are irrelevant. Their audience is a dwindling poorly educate group of hate spewing fantasists. When the Sevco boat sinks, these hacks will be fully exposed for what they are. As for States & Europe, xenophobes & the like have always been present, the likes of Farag & Trump merely gave them a voice.

  19. The sad news is that you can probably look to a liberal elite in the UK and Europe who, through misguided policies have sowed the seeds of disillusionment amongst ordinary, decent working class people who have been demonised by them and classed as racists for voicing reasonable concerns about unimpeded immigration from countries in the middle-east and the Mahgreb region whose belief system and conservative elements traditionally despise liberal democracy and everything the West stands for. How ironic.

    One might also look to the ‘grooming gangs’ operating in cities throughout England and beyond, made up almost entirely of men from Pakistan, who have systematically targeted young, often very young, vulnerable white girls to ply with drugs, rape and prostitute for financial gain.

    I am of Irish descent, Republican of belief, a Celtic fan and would hate to be tarred with the Rangers brush. But I would argue that whilst the poppy wearing Irish and Catholic haters of Ibrox are to be ridiculed, those people in the British mainstream who want to stop the mire that the UK and Europe is being turned into by a European elite virtually untouched by the consequences of their political ideology are to be admired for their willingness to stand up and say enough is enough.

    The left just doesn’t have all the answers Phil.

    OOAA …

    • This idea that there is a ‘left’ and ‘right’ in politics is a nonsense. Truth is the’ left’ is a baw hair closer to the centre than the ‘right’ and it is called the ‘left’. Anyone with views that truly represent a ‘left’ view wouldnt be heard via the mainstream. Wouldnt be allowed.

      But forget left and right. They are just names. This left and right nonsense should have been seen through decades ago. Simpler way to look at it is the 1% vs the 99%. Sadly any politician who has any power is controlled ultimately by the 1%. As are the media.

      Agree with you on EU.

    • Great reply from Adrian
      The problems Adrain mentions such as the grooming gangs are always ignored by the left.
      What they do is find any thing they can pounce upon to attack anyone who does not agree with their closed liberal views.
      Now that Donald Trump who has appointed a female of Indian decent to the U.N. a woman I might add who voted against him and was highly critical of him and attacked him in the election, we hear not a peep from the enlightened lefties, but when he appoints a right wing thinker then its a outcry of fascism and racism etc etc etc, from what I see, Trump appoints who ever he believes will do the best job, and that is what clever and successful leaders do, they dont just appoint someone because they are female or black or a LGBTS, or whatever, they appoint the best person for the job.

      Hail Hail
      The treble is on

    • We live today in a global economy. We cannot return to the 1950s or before. Whether you like it or not we have lost sovereignty and will never have it back, because we are caught in the economic gravitational pull of the massive economies of the world. We are small fry, who are dependent on other countries regardless of their political socio economic stance.
      20% of the GDP of the U.K. Is generated in the City of London and like it or not we have to retain that source of wealth generation.
      As to Brexit, we only have to look at the desperate negotiations over retention of Nissan to see what it means. Pharmaceutical companies are queuing up, as are agricultural interest groups in regions, which voted out, to retain the economic benefits of EU membership.
      The government needs to make it clear that out means out, not out for some, but in for others and the irony is that those who want to retain benefits of the EU are those who voted Brexit.

      Imo Brexit will probably not happen. Further collapse of the exchange rates will impact on every man woman and child in this country. The consequences should have been made more clearly.

  20. Hi Phil,
    Just this morning my wife and fine young son joined the march against racism in Glasgow.
    I could attend as I am suffering from the dreaded Lurgy.
    From my sickbed I tuned into the early game Firhill. It was edifying to hear the choir at the away end providing the soundtrack to the closing ceremony! It is indeed a complex and contradictory city in which we live!

  21. Steve Bannon is accused as being a “White Supremacist” by a fascist controlled George Soros owned media. He is not a “white supremacist” and its ironic that someone who consistently calls out the hypocrisy and lies of the Scottish mainstream media believes (and reports as fact) the very type of filth propaganda you that you proudly expose in Scotland. Why don’t you actually investigate properly before regurgitating this lazy journalism. Where have I heard that before? Hmmm?

      • You think because The Guardian reports it as true that it’s fact? The Guardian, along with The Independent, The Telegraph, The New Your Times. Huffingdon Post etc etc. are reporting according to their embarrassingly obvious anti-Trump agenda. If you read these papers along with the likes of CNN you might start to believe Trump is some kind of Hitler, when in fact he is fighting the corrupted establishment almost single handily. Trust me, you should be supporting this man instead of helping along the filth propaganda of the established media. Maybe you need to stop obsessing about Sevco Phil and look at whats going on in the real world. Trump will stop the fascist TPP agreement that threatens world democracy. Is that good? Trump will stop the unnecessary wars in the Middle East. Is that good? Trump will fight against the endemic corruption that permeates throughout the White House. Is that good? Instead of dismissing people by labeling them with tags that have been created by the established media, look at the reality. That means don’t be blinkered by false propaganda labeling and certainly don’t echo the ignorance by condoning the established medias anti-Trump character-assassination of Trump, and think Celtic supporters will agree with you just because it’s the “left wing thing to do”.

        • Odd how Trump is “fighting the corrupted establishment” and said he was going to drain the swamp and talked about how he was a political outsider. Funny how an outsider drains that political swamp by filling it with, ummm, politicians. He is appointing all his friends, and would appoint family if he could. He is the picture perfect example of the old white boys clubs….text book nepotism. Hey Thai, did you see that he already had asked about continuing to hold his rallies? Yes, he stated that he loved the attention directed at him. Hmm….which type of leaders like to hold rallies to rile up their right-wing base? I’ll let you sit and think about that for awhile.

          For all those outside the US, please remember that there are 2 million, and counting, more people here that voted for another candidate over the fascist orange man.

          P.S. Bannon is a white supremacist. Fact!

      • There you go again! Snopes has been outed as propaganda tool for the New World Order. Snopes.com, which markets itself as “the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation,” has a history of accepting money and favors from left-leaning and pro-Islamic political groups and individuals for helping them to advance their cause by rigging public discourse with selective fact-finding and deliberate manipulation of public opinion. Their CEO was arrested on fraud and corruption charges.

          • The Guardian is an imposter and has been since the day they sold their media arm to Trinity Mirror in 2010 and replaced the original Scott Trust with the Zionist-led Scott Trust Limited, fronted by a gang of compliant puppets.

            My lingering suspicions that they had been shanghaied were finally confirmed when they, too, ran the Censored ‘Charlie Hebdo Headshot’ footage as ‘fact’, when the Uncensored version clearly shows that the prone Parisian cop is NOT hit in the head, or anywhere else, by an AK-47 bullet, as the world’s mainstream media unilaterally claimed, and which this footage clearly shows to be untrue.


            My trust in The Guardian was utterly destroyed less than a week later, when my link to the uncensored video was removed from a comments thread, along with my corresponding questioning of that paper’s motives for such a lie, only to find that my Right To Reply was immediately rescinded, along with my long-standing Guardian online account, without any formal notice, not even so much as an email, and evidently sine die, as I have been unable to re-register since, not that I’m particularly bothered, as fascist bullshit just isn’t my thing.

            The great John Pilger spoke at length on this topic of censoring public comments in January this year on RT’s Going Undeground, (which I strongly suggest you watch), and accused The Guardian of public censorship of the worst possible order, as they were still pretending to be the impartial, independent and honourable title they once were, when in truth, they were just another captured shill for the Zionists.

            ‘Unforgivable’ is the word he used and, in their continued complicity in such a terrible lie, and their refusal to answer any questions on the subject, I must wholeheartedly agree with him.

            Let’s also bear in mind that this is but one lie which they’ve been caught in, and which they continue to deny, despite this documentary evidence of the truth.

            Who knows how many others they get away with every day …

            As to ‘Goebbels’ question, above, regarding which media can be trusted, I’m sorry to tell him that only through extensive research, multiple cross referencing, diligent background investigation and the continued ability to suspend judgement on absolutely everything you see, hear or read, then you MIGHT find some reliable sources of public information from which you MIGHT be able to piece together a coherent, if not entirely immediately evident, narrative as to what is really going on.

            For it’s worth bearing in mind that, to complete a fascist takeover like the one the world is currently witnessing, almost everything must be consumed into that system for it to effectively succeed and that, as The Guardian has so sadly proven, anyone and everyone has their price.

            Or, as SCG put it:

            If they’ll lie about a police officer being shot in the head, then what else are they lying about ..?

          • The Guardian is an imposter and has been since the day they sold their media arm to Trinity Mirror in 2010 and replaced the original Scott Trust with the Zionist-led Scott Trust Limited, fronted by a gang of compliant puppets.

            My lingering suspicions that they had been shanghaied were finally confirmed when they, too, ran the Censored ‘Charlie Hebdo Headshot’ footage as ‘fact’, when the Uncensored version clearly shows that the prone Parisian cop is NOT hit in the head, or anywhere else, by an AK-47 bullet, as the world’s mainstream media unilaterally claimed, and which this footage clearly shows to be untrue.


            My trust in The Guardian was utterly destroyed less than a week later, when my link to the uncensored video was removed from a comments thread, along with my corresponding questioning of that paper’s motives for such a lie, only to find that my Right To Reply was immediately rescinded, along with my long-standing Guardian online account, without any formal notice, not even so much as an email, and evidently sine die, as I have been unable to re-register since, not that I’m particularly bothered, as fascist bullshit just isn’t my thing.

            The great John Pilger spoke at length on this topic of censoring public comments in January this year on RT’s Going Undeground, (which I strongly suggest you watch), and accused The Guardian of public censorship of the worst possible order, as they were still pretending to be the impartial, independent and honourable title they once were, when in truth, they were just another captured shill for the Zionists.

            ‘Unforgivable’ is the word he used and, in their continued complicity in such a terrible lie, and their refusal to answer any questions on the subject, I must wholeheartedly agree with him.

            Let’s also bear in mind that this is but one lie which they’ve been caught in, and which they continue to deny, despite this documentary evidence of the truth.

            Who knows how many others they get away with every day …

            As to ‘Goebbels’ question re which media can be trusted, I’m sorry to tell him that only through extensive research, multiple cross referencing, diligent background investigation and the continued ability to suspend judgement on absolutely everything you see, hear or read, then you MIGHT find some reliable sources of public information from which you MIGHT be able to piece together a coherent, if not entirely immediately evident, narrative as to what is really going on.

            For it’s worth bearing in mind that, to complete a fascist takeover like the one the world is currently witnessing, almost everything must be consumed into that system for it to effectively succeed and that, as The Guardian has so sadly proven, anyone and everyone has their price.

            Or, as SCG put it:

            If they’ll lie about a police officer being shot in the head, then what else are they lying about ..?

        • Love your knowledge TT and while I am no Trump fan I think the holes you point out in Phil’s piece are extremely helpful and informative

  22. Firstly Phil, a belated congrats on your award from the football blogs. It’s nice to be recognised for your work. I’m sure it’s an acknowledgment that both prides me in seeing you win something and humbles me in what you are doing, providing journalism and comment on various stuff. Most I agree with some I don’t…. that’s true journalism. Without fear or favour.

    A very telling piece today. Although a bit saddening and depressing read in the world at large. I’m reminded of a controversial but ultimately great man, Fidel Castro. May this practising bit liberal minded capitalist pay tribute to an inspiring man.

    Keep up the good work
    HH, YNWA.


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