Over a thousand people came to the foot of Croagh Phadraig in Mayo last Sunday to the national famine memorial at Murrisk.
Month: May 2010
A backward polity.
This I have just watched this squabbling chaos and it begs a few questions.
Is this what happens when a polity shares some commonality with Saudi Arabia, but pretends that it is modern and normal.
The desert Kingdom doesn’t have a written constitution either.
The least desirable.
Some cities connect with you.
They leave a lasting impression on you like a lover.
For a time when I was much younger Boston was a regular haunt, south Boston to be precise. I loved the place and it’s people and I clicked. I love Boston. Subsequently I was horrified to learn earlier that this wonderful vibrant city with a huge Irish community might be visited by the Famine Song Road Show.
Thanks Ray
More than a year ago, I asked Ray McKinney, a turn around consultant in the USA, to examine the published accounts of Murray International Holdings. He did so and published a long detailed piece on my site.
Ray was the first person I asked to guest on this site.
Ray made some strong predictions about what the next set of accounts that MIH would eventually release would look like.
We had to wait to see if he was correct.
He was.