Real Radio Interview on the Famine Song

This video/audio clip is from the Real Radio football phone in, hosted by Ewen Cameron and Alan Rough. It covered the Famine Song story as the involvement of the Irish consulate in Edinburgh broke.

Scotland’s British Problem

Racists always make sense. They make sense to themselves and other racists (presuming of course that they are of the same perceived racial/ethnic group). For the last 500 years the dominant ethnic group on the planet has been the white western European group. That much is undeniable and self-evident. The top of that particular racial pile-100 years ago-were the British. The Germans tried to topple the British, but they failed. However despite their failure to take out Britain Germany drained the strength of the London state and, in the end, the colonials in America had to save the old country …

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Last week and without any great fanfare George W Bush broke from deep cover and moved to strike at the enemy. He took out the free market. Bush is a commie! All these years the free wheeling oilman from Crawford Texas with the rich daddy and well-connected Saudi buddies was actually a closet leftie. He had us all fooled. It was a brilliant cover making the Manchurian candidate look like false nose and glasses from a Christmas cracker! Had Hugo Chavez moved on the financial system of Venezuela in a similar fashion then we could safely assume that the lads …

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The anger that reveals impotence

Racists are not happy when their victims will not be quiet and accept their allotted role as lesser beings. In the Deep South of the United States the “Uppity Nigger” was something that could not be allowed by all right thinking white folks.   Soon those “folks” maybe ruled by their worst nightmare.   I hope that comes to pass.   I have the facility of allowing or not allowing comments onto this site.   This is a power that the victim of racism usually doesn’t have the luxury of. Where the comments have been non-abusive and non-threatening I have …

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The laughter of my children

If you are reading this and you are a parent then you will instantly get what is about to appear a few lines down your screen. If you are not a parent then you will either dismiss the statement I am about to make or take my word for it, because you certainly wont “get it”. This is a parent thing. There is no way I can explain it to the childless. In fact I didn’t think it is possible for anyone to explain the following to the childless. Ok here goes. You will not tolerate a situation for your …

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2010 President Palin

The year is 2010. Two years from now. President John McCain finally loses his battle against cancer. There is a ceremony as laid down by the founding fathers. The office of the presidency of the United States of America transfers from President McCain (deceased) to President Palin. President Palin………….. From that moment there is an extra person in Sarah Palin’s security entourage. There is a military officer with the attaché case as beloved of spy movies handcuffed to his wrist. This person is a commissioned officer in the U.S. military, pay-grade O-4 or above, who has undergone the nation’s most …

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Why feminists are like John McCain

Carol Hunt of the Sunday Independent in Ireland ( is, I think, rather like John McCain. It isn’t that she doesn’t care about male suicide. She does. It is that she just doesn’t get it. She mentioned my book “Preventable Death” in a piece on Sunday 7th September 2008. She spent most of the column fulminating about the cover design. Now I can no more take the credit for that book cover than I could a Rembrandt. As our American cousins would say ” he hit it straight out of the park!” I did say that I wanted the death …

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